Better Networker Tip: Take Notes on your Contacts

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Whether you're in network marketing or simply want to be a better networker in whatever you do, a simple habit that is a MUST DO for all savvy networkers is taking notes.

Q:  Do you keep notes currently on ALL of your contacts?

If you handed your phone over to me and I started scrolling through your contact records, how many of those people would have notes on them?  When you met, where you met, their spouse's name, kid's birthdays, favorite activities or hobbies, biggest passions…you get the picture.

One of the simple keys to being a better networker is simply taking notes on your contacts…ALL of them.  If you're in my phone, I have notes on you.  I know where we met, who introduced us, how we met, what we talked about…and so on.

It's simple.  Taking notes and keeping good records on your contacts makes you a better networker, and one who will likely outperform all others who choose not to do this simple activity that leads to better networking, deeper relationships and more business.

If success in business is important to you, you'll simply start doing this today.

It's your choice…

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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