Social Media Training: A Must for your New Distributor On-Boarding Process

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You don't want a bunch of Buzzy Boxer types running around in your organization, that's for sure!

Social Media Training is a MUST for every network marketing distributor's “Getting Started Training” in today's marketplace. 

It has to be part of your on-boarding process!  Your On-Boarding process with your new recruits (all the things you do to get someone started right) should absolutely include some Social Media Training.

Teach them Simple Do's and Don't's.  It doesn't have to be detailed, but it needs being discussed…from day one.  Otherwise, you'll have lots of people running around doing things that make them look like amateurs and worse…put your brand at risk.

You don't want spammy, amateur marketing associated with the name of your company.
You want “professionals with integrity who operate at the highest level imaginable” kinda talk when people refer to what you do and who you represent.   That's what you're looking for…and the only way to get it is to create a highly trained distributor force.

It requires a little effort to make that happen.

First off…let me ask you this.

Do you currently provide some type of Social Media Training
from the moment a distributor enters your organization? 

It should be part of your “Getting Started Training”.    If you're not doing it, you should be…starting now.  Today.  This minute.

Everyone is online and everyone is on Social Media.  It's time to make sure that Social Media Training is part or your on-boarding process.

Some Simple Social Media Training for a New Rep

#1:  Make Sure their Facebook Profile is Complete and their Profile Set to Public.
#2:  Get Them Posting Daily if they aren't already.  
#3:  Teach Them About Proper Etiquette when it comes to posting in groups, on other people's timelines, on their own wall, and private messaging.
#4:  Show Them How to Blend Business and Life on their Facebook Page without alienating others by being too business.

You get the picture.  Just make sure they know enough so they don't blow it with all the people who they are already connected to on Facebook.  If a person went out and did what Buzzy Boxer was doing, they would quickly alienate people who are connected to them.

They shouldn't be tagging people in stuff that other people aren't in, just so they can get views.
They shouldn't be posting their opportunity on someone else's wall.
They shouldn't be direct messaging people with a blatant pitch.
They shouldn't be all business all the time on their personal page.

Help them get acclimated to doing network marketing in the age of Social Media.  You can teach them more detailed stuff the longer they are in, but don't forget to cover the basics now.

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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