Two Keys to Greater Duplication

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What's the Secret to Creating Greater Duplication in a Network Marketing Organization??

How do we get more people to start…and taking action from the moment they get in?
How do you get more people do…do more long term?
How can you go about creating more successes on your team?

The concept and conversation around duplication in network marketing is a big one.
It's the cat's meow, the Holy Grail of network marketing.  It's what we look for.

While there are a number of factors that contribute to increased duplication in a network marketing organization…there are TWO THINGS that I believe make the GREATEST DIFFERENCE in whether or not you have a team that has lots of duplication.  

Oh…so, what's duplication?  It's lots of people doing things that cause the business to grow.  People creating successes.  That's what it is.

Without giving you some silly/technical definition of duplication…that's essentially what it is.  It's repeating success.  It's having a group that is active and doing.

Two Keys to Greater Duplication

When it comes to creating more duplication in any sales organization…in or out of network marketing, you'll never get it unless these two things are present…

#1:  Systems.

People who follow systems get more done…period.  That in and of itself should be enough to convince you to become more systematic in how you do things.  If you're people aren't following a system, many of them will be lost and confused…not knowing what to do.  Success comes from systemization.  

You see?  I don't even need to belabor the issue or idea that SYSTEMS need to be followed in order for you to create greater duplication in your organization.

The questions you need to be asking yourself are:

Do we follow systems?
If no, you're losing money and missing out on faster growth.

How “shoot from the hip” are we on a scale or 1 to 10?
Meaning 1…we don't shoot from the hip and all, and 10, we have no clue what we're doing and entirely “winging” this thing. 

I'd say that if you're anything above a 3, you need to be more systematic…starting right now.

 #2:  Simplicity. 

Things that are perceived as easy to do are adopted by a greater number of people.  Read that again.

The more people who perceive and believe what they are doing is simple, easy to understand and do…the more successes you will see.  And…this is at EVERY level of building your business.

Brand New Reps.  How simple is the onboarding process?

Advanced Training:  Even though we're calling “advanced”, are we doing it in such a way that causes people to feel empowered and able, or are we confusing them beyond measure?

Take a look at your trainings, your tools and your processes.  Are they so simple that literally anyone can do it…or are they in any way scary, confusing, challenging, or difficult to understand.

The simpler you keep things, the greater the duplication because more people can see themselves doing it!

Bottom Line with When it Comes to Greater Duplication…

Success comes from keeping things in an orderly fashion.
Accomplishment roots from having a “method” to the madness.
The more people who understand it, the greater number that will do it.

It's that simple.  Keep things simple…and follow systems.

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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