Why “How You Do One Thing is How You Do Everything” is Complete BS

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For years, you've been lied to. Worse yet, the people lying to you don’t even know they’re doing it. They're regurgitating some nonsense they were fed, and now you’ve been fed the same garbage.

One of the most dangerous lies is the concept that “how you do one thing is how you do everything.” It's dead wrong.

How do I know? Because I'm living proof. Not only am I proof—I'm a hypocrite, too.

I’ve spent decades teaching the importance of making a real decision in business. And not just making that decision, but backing it up with never-ending action until you accomplish exactly what you set out to do.

But here’s the kicker: I was giving my health lip service for years. I probably have 50 “before” pictures in my phone from the past decade, each one a reminder that I told myself I’d lose the weight, that I'd make a change. Every single time, I started the process, but then I stopped. Over and over again.

Until this past May.

This time, something clicked. I made a real decision. And you know what? I’ve lost nearly 37 pounds since May, all because I backed up that decision with real action.

The question is: have you really decided to build your business? Or are you just giving it lip service, like I did with my weight and health?

It’s a powerful conversation to have with yourself, and it’s one that could change everything.

When you decide to make a real commitment, that’s when things start moving.

If you’re ready to make that decision for your business, to stop playing small and start doing the work that leads to real growth, then it’s time to join me in the A-Team.

The A-Team is my group coaching program designed to get you out of your own way and into consistent, focused, revenue-producing action. It starts in less than a week. So if you’re serious about finally committing to your business, this is where you need to be.

Click here to register for the A-Team now.

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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