How to Easily Raid Someone’s Downline for Profit !

Bet that subject line got your attention, didn't it?

In fact, it got the attention of thousands of my readers from my newsletter this past week. I thought since it got so much attention, that I would repost it here for your reading.

from my newsletter…

I very rarely send more than one email a week to my list, but I
felt this was important, and certainly worth sharing.

Let me make my point CRYSTAL CLEAR. I do not condone or suggest
that anyone spend their time recruiting network marketers from another
company. In fact, I've never condoned it.

The reason I am writing this and providing you with the following
statistics is because I am constantly having people email and
call me asking “How do I recruit network marketers?”

My answer to most people is simple. I say this, “You obviously
know who I am, don't you? Do you think I am capable of recruiting
people and building an organization?
” Of course, they say “yes” to
both of those questions.

My next question to them is this: “How would you like it if I got
a hold of your genealogy report, using the skills that I have, and
tore apart your organization piece by piece? Would that make you
” Of course, their answer to that is ALWAYS “No!”

The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you'd have done to you.

There is ZERO need for you to go attack someone else's group who
has worked hard to get where they are. It disgusts me when people's
primary focus is raiding someone else's organization.

So, now that you know my real feelings about this subject, let me
give you some statistics that you might find interesting.

Currently, there are roughly 49 million in people who are involved
in Direct Sales globally.

The US Population is approximately 303 million.
There are over 7 Billion people living on planet earth.

The average minimum wage in the US is $6.55/hr in 2008. Let's say
that a person who is working for minimum wage works A LOT of hours
per week. And, let's take it to the extreme, meaning working 12
hours per day, 7 days per week. That's a total of 84 hours in a
week. Here's what they'd earn:

$786 per week
$3144 per month
$37,728 per year

That's BEFORE taxes! And…that's suggesting they worked 52 weeks a
year, 7 days a week, 12 hours per day!

I make more than that in a month!

Instead of attacking downlines and talking to people who you can
make a bunch of money off of, why not go after people who could
really USE a chance in life?

Here are some other stats that I pulled directly from the US
Department of Labor website:

Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales
managers held about 583,000 jobs in 2006.

Advertising sales agents held over 170,000 jobs in 2006.

Insurance sales agents held about 436,000 jobs in 2006.

In 2006, real estate brokers and sales agents held about 564,000
jobs; real estate sales agents held approximately 77 percent of
these jobs.

Retail salespersons held about 4.5 million jobs in 2006.

Manufacturers' and wholesale sales representatives held about
2 million jobs in 2006

Sales worker supervisors held about 2.2 million jobs in 2006.

Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents held
about 320,000 jobs in 2006.

Travel agents held about 101,000 jobs in May 2006 and are found in
every part of the country.

Given the size of the US and Global population, and the need for
people to EARN more and create FREEDOM in their lives, it sure makes
sense to help those people now, doesn't it?

When I first began marketing my business to professionals, I never
really knew the magnitude of the market we had at our disposal.

I put together my “Insider Secrets to Recruiting Professionals Home
Study Course” three years ago. When I did so, I looked at those
US Department of Labor stats and realized that we all had a major
goldmine at our fingertips.

So…instead of raiding someone's organization, why don't you try
recruiting professionals for a change?


“Using the strategies on this CD, I sponsored 12 of the first 36
real estate agents I contacted.”
Lisa Sumiyoshi

Ever since I began to apply Todd's unique strategies, I started to
attract and sponsor high quality business professionals into my
business. Listening to Todd's success strategies has rubbed of on
me as well as my entire team, and the results prove it. And the best
part is…I'm only 19 years old and just getting started!”
Dakota Rea

“After hearing Todd speak about recruiting business professionals
on one of our team calls, I decided to purchase his CD series
‘Insider Secrets to Recruiting Professionals'. I always wondered
where all of the good people were. After educating myself and
applying Todd's strategies and techniques, I realized that I was
surrounded by business professionals. I just needed to know where
to look and what to say. I was so impressed with what I learned
that I decided to refer the product to my team. It wasn't long
thereafter that a gentleman in my organization got busy putting
Todd's techniques to work. Soon after, he enrolled a multi-million
dollar luxury real estate producer who has strong contacts in over
100 countries! If you're looking to attract real business
professionals into your business, then this CD series is a MUST HAVE!”

Chuck Sumpter

“Todd is simply the best of the best when it comes to prospecting!
The knowledge, skills, and techniques he not only possesses, but
thankfully passes on to the rest of us are critical if you want to
win in this game we play. It's this exact information that has
helped us become the top producers within our company. Not only do
I consistently learn from Todd, but I also recommend strongly to
everyone on my team they do the same if they're serious about
finding success in their enterprises. Thank you Todd and keep it
Brian and Ramona Reinhardt

“This is by far the best investment I have made in my network
marketing business. I own many courses, by many speakers, but it's
Todd's non-hysterical, no-messing around, direct style that make
his information easy to apply and listen to over and over again.
Thanks Todd, for bringing the industry a voice that is such a joy
to learn from!”
Amy Critton

“You really nailed it with this Insider Secrets training series.
Thank you so much for providing such powerful training to our
industry. It has completely revolutionized my perspective and
helped me to help others in my team to think outside the box when
it comes to different avenues available, for reaching quality
prospects. Keep up the great work!”
Alan Blain

“I was always a little hesitant in approaching other professional
people about my business. I purchased your ‘Insider Secrets to
Recruiting Professionals' and WOW, what a change! After listening
to the CD's a couple of times I went to work. I fumbled the first
couple of times but after that the results were amazing. I recruited
three Quality people in the first two weeks and have seven more in
the pipeline.”
Paul Lijeski

“In my first 10 days of using the course I was able to contact
around 50 Realtors in 3 different cities. The results were phenomenal.
I was able to get information out to 26 of them. I can't begin to
imagine how many cold leads I would have had to talk too to get
them many presentations out. With following your advice and guidance
in the course I can only get better and better. You are the best
Todd and I can thank you enough for taking the direction you have
in training us to use your tools and skills. I look forward to
more things to come.”
John Baron

“I just want to let you know I absolutely love your course and have
recommended it to others on our team! I've only been doing network
marketing for 5 months now, have been using your approach for about
the last week or so, have made a ton of phone calls, and have sent
out 30+ packages within the last few days.”

Nancy Carroll


I have another 50 or so testimonials that have been emailed to me
from my clients, but won't bother putting them in here because they
all say essentially the same thing…THIS STRATEGY WORKS!

If you do not currently own and use my “Insider Secrets to Recruiting
Professionals” method, then you are missing out on a HUGE chunk of
business you could be getting.

I teach you exactly what to say.
I teach you exactly how to find them.
I teach you everything you would ever want to know about recruiting
top notch talent into your business.

This is my best-selling course for a reason.

See you all on Monday night March 10th at 5pm PST with Special Guest Susan Sly!
Dial 641-594-7500, code 248873#.

Wishing you the Very Best,

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