Don’t Be Like Buzzy Boxer: Avoid these Bad Mistakes in Network Marketing

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Meet Buzzy Boxer—the guy who does everything wrong in network marketing.

If you’ve ever caught one of my videos with Buzzy, you already know: he’s the perfect example of what not to do if you want to succeed in this business.

In this video, Buzzy starts by explaining how, when you leave a network marketing company, you should badmouth it—even though, just days earlier, you were calling it the greatest thing since sliced bread. According to Buzzy, it’s the right move to talk smack and burn those bridges behind you.

Then, Buzzy shares another golden nugget of advice: crossline recruiting. Why not take people from your old company and bring them into your new one? After all, it’s cool to recruit people who are already network marketers, right?

The Truth: Don't Be Like Buzzy

Don’t be a Buzzy.  It’s a buzz kill.

If you want to be successful and build a sustainable, respectable business in network marketing, you’ve got to do the opposite of what Buzzy recommends.

Don’t Trash Talk Your Previous Company

It’s never a good look to badmouth the company you were just with. It’s unprofessional, and it damages your credibility. People remember how you treat others—even companies. Burning bridges won’t get you far in this business. Instead, take the high road. Leave on good terms, and focus on your future success.

No Crossline Recruiting

Trying to crossline recruit people from your old company into your new one? That’s a fast track to losing trust and respect. It’s an unethical approach that will do far more harm than good. Focus on building your business the right way, with integrity, by attracting new people into your organization rather than poaching from your old one.

Be a Pro—Do the Right Thing

At the end of the day, network marketing is about professionalism and integrity. If you want to build a long-lasting, successful business, you need to do things the right way.

So, don’t be like Buzzy Boxer. Be a pro, and build your business on a foundation of respect and ethics.

If you’re ready to take your network marketing business to the next level, then you need to join my A-Team coaching program.

The A-Team is all about doing the right things, staying consistent, and building a business with integrity. We’ll dive into the strategies and mindset shifts you need to grow, while avoiding the mistakes people like Buzzy make.

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