Fearless Networker Spotlight: Aaron Byerlee

Aaron ByerleeIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Aaron Byerlee, a family man and Network Marketing professional from Australia that is absolutely crushing it!  I recently had the opportunity to connect with him and am excited to share his story with you.

The Fearless Networker:  Aaron, you've been involved in the Network Marketing industry for 15 years and currently have an organization of over 100,000!  As a top-earner in the industry, people may be surprised to learn that you had fears and obstacles to overcome when you started out.  Would you mind sharing those with us?  

Aaron Byerlee:  Yes, I was afraid of what people thought of me.  As a 20 year old, I still had that irrational, high school popularity mentality.  Luckily, I got over that pretty quickly.  But I still had to build belief in myself; I needed to develop posture.

Aaron ByerleeWhen I started out, my priority was still football.  I had very little support and my warm market did not include opened-minded business people.  I felt that I needed more credibility to succeed.

In the later years, I chose the wrong company with the wrong people.  Also, time was a legitimate hurdle holding me back.

But, in 2011 it all fell into place.  I applied EVERY success strategy I had learned over 15 years.  That, combined with the right company and right people, was the formula!  My mindset was unbreakable and I smashed through any obstacle in my way.  The results have me living life on MY terms as a global, top-earner in the profession.

Aaron ByerleeThe Fearless Networker:  Way to stick to it and turn it around!  How has being involved in Network Marketing changed your life?

Aaron Byerlee:  In every way.  I started out as a knock-about, country boy, football player and grew into a professional entrepreneur.  I was working 100 hours a week, miserable, stressed and broke and lived in a tiny, rented apartment in Sydney.  Now I am living life on my terms, in paradise, enjoying financial- and time-freedom.  Every dream I ever had as a person, entrepreneur, father and friend has been met.  

“Now, I dream bigger dreams.”  Aaron Byerlee

The Fearless Networker:  You've been with your current company for almost five years.  How many people have you personally sponsored during that time?

Aaron Byerlee:  I've sponsored approximately 130 people in the past five years.

Aaron ByerleeThe Fearless Networker:  Where have you found your biggest success in recruiting new people into your organization?  And, can you explain your strategy?

Aaron Byerlee:  Over 15 years of attending every single wealth creation seminar known, hanging out with entrepreneurs, dabbling in Network Marketing, having mentors and owning gyms, I had developed a decent warm market of people that wanted to get ahead in life.  They respected me enough to listen and hence, I was lucky enough to get some early traction from my warm market.  

From there, social media including YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn has been really lucrative.  I like going to networking events and building relationships with other networkers which has always lead to business relationships.  

I have a great newspaper ad that works well too.  Referrals are gold and from time to time I will cold call entrepreneurs which will eventually land some good people.  My Deck Chair Millionaire brand and website has also worked well for me.  I repeat these things over and over consistently; barely a day has passed in four years that I have not done one of these things.  Consistency is key!

https://toddfalcone.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Aaron-Byerlee2-300x225.jpgThe Fearless Networker:  Consistency IS key!  When it comes to expanding your organization, what have been some of the most effective actions you’ve taken to help your team grow?

Aaron Byerlee:  In the beginning do everything; later you can qualify more.  Get in the trenches with your team.  

We run an opportunity webinar every week in multiple time zones and languages for our team.  We offer a training webinar once a week and live trainings around the globe.  We also run things like 90 day challenges , Friday Fone Frenzies and Six Day Hustles that take the business to a new level.

Aaron ByerleeOur Facebook group is so responsive and our team brand is very, very powerful.  One-on-one meetings are paramount, three-way conference calls are huge and live events rock!  

In the end, always remember your team will grow at the pace of their leader, they will do what you DO, not what you say.

The Fearless Networker:  What is your favorite business book of all time?

Aaron Byerlee:  I think it's hard to beat Think and Grow Rich by Napolen Hill.  Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad was the very first personal development book that changed my life back in 1998.  I love How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  For Network Marketing specifically, I suggest Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell.

https://toddfalcone.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Aaron-Byerlee2-300x225.jpgThe Fearless Networker:  All classic reads, thank you!  Do you have one solid piece of advice you’d give someone entering this profession for the very first time?

Aaron Byerlee:  Don’t do it all yourself, it's almost impossible, it’s no fun and you have to work harder.  Use your upline A LOT.  If they are not active or you don’t rate them, then go upline from there.

Tap into the system…webinars, live events, three-way calls, etc.  Be consistent and learn, learn, learn.  How many books and audios can you study every week?  Keep growing as a person and a leader.

And finally, NOTHING beats hard work.  Outwork the top earner in your company and you will get to the top very quickly.

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have suggestions for people to ensure that they make Network Marketing a lasting and successful business for the long-haul?

Aaron Byerlee:  Understand it will be hard, understand it will take time and embrace that.  Be consistent, get a good mentor and make sure you never quit.  Have a huge emotional WHY for doing it.  Your WHY is the only thing that will keep you going in the hard times.

Aaron ByerleeThe Fearless Networker:  What’s the absolute best piece of business advice you’ve received that’s served you well?

Aaron Byerlee:  Some will, some won’t, so what, someone else is waiting.  Next.

Also, speak with positive, like-minded, likeable, go-getting people.  (Not broke, negative, cynical people.)

“Your team will grow at the pace of their leader.”  Aaron Byerlee

The Fearless Networker:  If you could share anything that would massively impact our readers, what would you say to them?

Aaron Byerlee:  It will be hard, but it will be worth it.  Honestly, if a country boy from the middle of nowhere, with no extra education, no silver spoon, no credibility, and no database can do it, then anyone can do this…in a BIG way.  It just takes heart, will and a desire to win.  It’s great to be competitive and stubborn.  The rest you can learn.

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