Fearless Networker Spotlight: Christy Dreiling

Christy DreilingIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Christy Dreiling, a woman that has overcome great challenges to find success, fulfillment, and freedom for herself and her family through a career in Network Marketing.

The Fearless Networker:  Christy, I'm just gonna dive right in. You faced some challenges in the past.  How has being involved in Network Marketing changed your life?

Christy Dreiling:  Well Todd, after living on welfare and in a car as a kid, with abusive, drug-addicted fathers and no college education, the Network Marketing industry has allowed me to become everything, in my soul, I knew I was all along.

Christy DreilingI love that no one can fire me.  I make as little or as much as I want, I work when I want, I travel when I want, and I build when I want.  I have been able to wake up next to my retired husband for the last 12 years and am so grateful that he doesn't have to go to a job and work for someone else's dream.  As a family, we have been able to support one another and each others' dreams, day after day.

Our oldest son Dylan started his Network Marketing business with me and is a tremendous inspiration to our industry.  At the age of 18 he had many opportunities and said, “Mom, I want to build with you! How could I not?!  I want this life!  But, I will tell you this.  I will make more and do more good than you could ever dream of!  Love you mom!”  Music to my ears!

The Fearless Networker:  WOW!  Now that's a powerful way to kick off an interview!  Christy, how long have you been involved in the Network Marketing profession?

Christy DreilingChristy Dreiling:  I've been involved in Network Marketing 14 years with the same company.

The Fearless Networker:  And in that time, how many people have you personally sponsored?

Christy Dreiling:  I believe I have personally sponsored more than 100 individuals over the course of 14 years.

The Fearless Networker:  What is the current size of your organization?

Christy Dreiling:  My business produces more than 35 million a year in sales in five countries and I have more than 30,000 clients and leaders in my success-line.

The Fearless Networker:  What was your biggest fear as you started your Network Marketing career?

Christy DreilingChristy Dreiling:  In the beginning of my career, I needed to build a strong foundation.  My biggest fear was that by me being gone as much as I was, my kids could possibly suffer and I would then have regrets.  The reason why I was dedicating so much time to building my business was to retire my husband and get more “time” freedom and “financial’ freedom.  I knew that missing some of the kids' events would be necessary, at times, so we could have long-term, positive results as a family unit.  I actually designed it to where my kids became involved in what I did and we had fun.  I'm happy to report that I don’t have regrets at all!

The Fearless Networker:  No regrets is a great way to live!  What is your strategy to successfully recruit new people into your organization?  

Christy Dreiling:  Getting your mind right is so critically important to recruiting people.  So many times I prospected when my mind wasn't optimal.  Maybe I was in fear mode, ego mode, or competition mode and what I found was that I attracted people that were similar.  Often times, when I starting shifting out of those modes, the recruits weren't growing themselves and naturally fell out of my business.  I used to think that had something to do with my leadership ability, but in all reality it didn’t have as much to do with me as it did with who they were choosing NOT to become.

Christy DreilingThe Fearless Networker:  When it comes to building your group, what have been some of the most effective actions you’ve taken?

Christy Dreiling:  I really like to choose a few KEY players and pour my energy into them.  These are the “no matter what” leaders; they show up to everything, don’t make excuses, and are grateful.  They are the people I want to be on the beach with and get to know their families.  I don’t always make it about business.  I send thank you cards and birthday cards to their families and to them.  I treat them like a family member verses a business partner.  

However, I'm careful not to allow to close of a relationship because then they won't be coachable.  I host discovery calls with them and their prospects and strive to be the best leader I can by doing what I'm telling them to do.  I can’t just tell them what to do and not do it myself.  I will NOT tolerate drama.  We nip that in rear pretty quickly!

Christy DreilingThe Fearless Networker:  Are their any actions you implement into your business that you find productive?

Christy Dreiling:  Do not let a negative word come out of your mouth about anyone or another company.  That action shows insecurity.  People will likely fear you'll speak negatively about them at some point and you won't be trusted.  So, filter your emotions and taste your words.

The Fearless Networker:  What, if anything, was your biggest struggle on your way to achieving success in this profession and how did you overcome it?

Christy Dreiling:  There were soooooo many, but one of them was learning when to let go of leaders and allow them to fly on their own.  And another was finding that right balance in my life.

Christy DreilingThe Fearless Networker:  What’s one solid piece of advice that you’d give someone entering this profession for the very first time?

Christy Dreiling:  Do NOT hop from company to company.  STAY with the company you're with unless they are doing things that you feel are not morally in alignment with your beliefs.  Stay the course and never quit before payday.  Be consistent with your activity and duplicate yourself by painting the big vision of what your opportunity can do for others.

The Fearless Networker:  What’s the best piece of business advice YOU'VE ever received?

Christy DreilingChristy Dreiling:  Dr. Shad Helmstetter, author of What to Say When you Talk to Yourself, once said to me, “Christy, always assume the best, never the worst of anyone and everything.”  

So, be careful of the stories you tell yourself.  If it feels “heavy” it's not the truth. If it feels “light”, you're in the right space.

The Fearless Networker:  What is your favorite business book of all time?

Christy Dreiling:  Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, of course.

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have any suggestions for people to ensure that they make Network Marketing a lasting and successful business to pursue for a lifetime?

Christy Dreiling:  Work on yourself every day.  Add more value to the world, AUTHENTICALLY, and you will be rewarded when it's your time.

The Fearless Networker:  Well said.  If you could share anything that would MASSIVELY impact the people reading this, what would you say?

Christy DreilingChristy Dreiling:  When I travel, I always ask for guidance and to be led to the right people or allow the right people to enter my life.  (That could be anything from a smile to words of encouragement.)  

Years ago I was flying home from a business trip and a man entered the plane beaming with a smile.  I thought to myself, “I hope he sits next to me!”  And, he did.  During the flight I learned about this great businessman, his philanthropy, and love for life.  Towards the end of the flight I asked him to share any words of wisdom that could help me in my journey and this is what he said.

“Christy, I believe that when I die there are going to be three big, flat-screen TV’s.  The screen on the left will be a reel of all the things I've done wrong and I am not happy about that because I will be standing there, watching, for a very long time.  

The reel on the right won't be very long because it will be of all the things I've done right.  The longest of them all will be the one in the middle, it will be of all the opportunities I could have taken, but never took.”

Christy DreilingI was completely in awe of this message.  I share it all over the world and remind myself to NEVER allow myself to play small, to take opportunities when available, to talk to everyone I can, and to give, love, and serve at my maximum potential.  

And with that my friends, you won't live with “rocking chair” regrets.

Be consistent with your activity and duplicate yourself by painting the big vision of what your opportunity can do for others.  —  Christy Dreiling