Fearless Networker Spotlight: Josh Denne

Josh DenneIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Josh Denne, a dedicated family man who has successfully been involved in the Network Marketing industry for over 16 years.

The Fearless Networker:  Josh, how long have you been involved in the Network Marketing profession?

Josh Denne:  I started with my first Network Marketing company in June of 1995 but, only put about a year into it.  After a break, I stared again in February of 2000 and have been full time ever since!

The Fearless Networker:  How long have you been with your current company and during that time, how may people have you personally sponsored?    

Josh Denne:  I've been with my current company for the past five years and have personally sponsored 102 individuals.

The Fearless Networker:  That's awesome!  So five years into it, what is the current size of your organization?

Josh Denne:  It depends on how you define “size”.  Currently, we have over 40,000 individuals actively purchasing or selling every month and over 108,000 actively purchasing every three months.  

The Fearless Networker:  What, if anything, was your biggest struggle along the way to achieving success in this profession and how did you overcome it?

Josh Denne:  The mental battle; believing that I wasn't the type of person who could actually become successful.  I learned about “The Scales of Inevitability” and that changed everything! 

The Fearless Networker:  On the familiar subject of fear what, if anything, was your biggest fear as you started your Network Marketing career?

Josh Denne:  My fear of rejection.  I was always worried about what others thought of me and I wanted people to like me, so I was scarred to death that I would be looked down upon and laughed at by people I knew and even people I didn't know.

The Fearless Networker:  What’s one solid piece of advice that you’d give someone entering this profession for the very first time?

Josh Denne:  If you're just getting started in this profession, my best advice for you is to allow yourself the time to learn.  And, don't get caught up comparing yourself to others' stories.  We each have our own unique journey.  Have faith that you truly have what it takes to make it all the way, because you do!

Josh DenneThe Fearless Networker:  How has being involved in the Network Marketing profession changed your life?

Josh Denne:  The access to personal development and mentorship.  Those two things revolutionized my life!  I learned to use “The Scales of Inevitability” to my advantage and gained a positive association of people who held me to a higher standard.  All while being provided with a vehicle to achieve financial success in the process!

The Fearless Networker:  Can you provide insight into your strategy of recruiting new people into your organization?  

Josh Denne:  My strategy is opening my mouth and talking with people.  Start with your “warm market” (the people you know).  That has been my all-time, best action.  

Many other approaches work, including leads, social media, advertising, cold market, etc. but, at the end of the day, the only question that matters is, “Do YOU work?”  

It all boils down to how many people heard about your products/service and opportunity in a day.  How many people were given a chance to participate, or not.  Always remember, “if it's to be, then it's up to me”.  It would serve you well to adopt this as your personal motto.

The Fearless Networker:  When it comes to team building, what have been some of the most effective actions you’ve utilized? 

Josh Denne:  When it comes to team building, there are two masterful strategies that I believe MUST be implemented.  

1.  You must work on yourself harder than you do on your business.  (Use the “Scales of Inevitability”).  This cannot be over stated!  Study people and study leadership.  Take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for what happens in your business.  Do not view people as though they are on “your team”; you are on “their team” and your job is to truly get to know them and service their needs.  Become someone they can count on and trust. 

2.  You do the work.  What I mean by this is that your job as a Network Marketer is to market through the network!  Get it!?  Don't wait on your team to do the work, YOU get it done!  After you have shown them your product/services and opportunity, find out who they know and go show those people your products/service and opportunity.  Then, repeat the process until you find the people who get it like you do and who are willing to follow your lead by doing what you do!

Josh DenneThe Fearless Networker:  Do you have any suggestions for people to ensure they make Network Marketing a lasting and successful business?

Josh Denne:  Study, practice, teach.  

Show up to EVERYTHING and be the first to arrive and the last to leave.  While you are there, be present and participate fully!

Find out what's important to your prospects and then show them how they can get what they want with your product/service and opportunity. 

Don't tie your identity to a company brand.  Promote the brand and wear “the jersey” but, don't define your identity by it.  Companies can make mistakes.  Remember this journey is about YOU becoming a professional and YOU helping others to become better, all while you yourself improves and grows. 

Learn to use the “Scales of Inevitability” to your advantage.

Allow yourself the time to learn.  And, don't get caught up comparing yourself to others' stories.  We each have our own unique journey.  —  Josh Denne  

The Fearless Networker:  What is your favorite business book of all time?

Josh Denne:  The Law of  Success by Napoleon Hill.

Josh DenneThe Fearless Networker:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received that’s benefited you in this profession?

Josh Denne:  It's hard to say because I've been fortunate to have received so much amazing guidance!  It's difficult to decide which is best as there has been so many pieces of advice that have had a profound impact on my life.  But, if I were to pick, I'd say the following:  “Become a problem solver.  The people who make the most money on earth are the biggest problem solvers.  Condition your mind to think, “How can I solve this?”  Learn to use your brain and think instead of looking for someone else for the solution.   

The Fearless Networker:  If you could share anything that would massively impact the people reading this, what would you say? 

Josh Denne:  Just start, give it ALL you have and NEVER QUIT.

The Fearless Networker:  Josh, I could not have said it better myself brother!  Thanks so much for your time.

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