How To Dramatically Improve Your Prospecting Skills

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How To Dramatically Improve Your Prospecting Skills
  • The KEY Ingredient For Prospecting Success
  • How To Become A Prospecting Professional in NO-TIME Flat!

How To Dramatically Improve Your Prospecting Skills

One of the most important skills in networking marketing is prospecting. Without consistently having a full pipeline… your business will not grow.

One of the questions I hear most often is… “Todd, how do I get better at prospecting?”. This is the first sign of someone who's hungry to build their business.

We'll my little fearless networker…

Today, I'm going to take you into my office (virtually)… and walk you through how to dramatically improve your prospecting skills.

I'll share with you the KEY ingredient for prospecting success…


How to become a prospecting pro… in no-time flat!

Let's begin…

The KEY Ingredient For Prospecting Success

One thing you must have is a burning desire to get better at prospecting. You might be terrible at prospecting now, but you know you want to get better.


This desire is what's going to fuel you on your path towards network marketing success.

Now it's important to channel this desire and harness its power towards mastery.

In just a minute I'll explain how to do this.

But for now, understand you have to be willing to push through this learning curve.

This means prospecting regardless of how you feel.

It means connecting with others and pushing past any anxiety you might feel.

It also means not being attached to the outcome.

You want to control the controllable… this means your emotions and feelings.

Now that we got that straight… let's get into the mechanics of mastery.

How To Become A Prospecting Professional in NO-TIME Flat!

The first thing you want to do is practice, practicing. Make sure you watch the video on this page, because I go into great detail on this topic.

You want to be practice all the time. There's value in intentional practicing. The other thing you want to do is…

Start modeling successful people in your company, and see what they're doing. Success leaves clues and most times, you'll find them if you're searching.

The other thing I would recommend is to have a coach work with you. Have them work with you on mindset, prospecting and leadership.

And, the last thing (something you can do right away) is… record your calls.

Then listen back to yourself prospecting.

Start to look for ways to dial in your tone, messaging and flow.

If you'd like help with this check out my Little Black Book of Scripts training system.

In this episode #91, It's about… “How To Dramatically Improve Your Prospecting Skills”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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