How to Improve Your Cold Market Prospecting Skills

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How to CREATE warm markets on a consistent basis so that your pipeline is always full with… interested people.
  • The ONE THING you must do when prospecting in the cold market. 
  • The SECRET to getting good at cold market prospecting and becoming a master at it.

How to Improve Your Cold Market Prospecting Skills

I'm going to show you how to have FUN prospecting in the cold market. You're going to love this!

Most people think the cold market is a scary place to prospect. It can be if you're not trained right.

I cover the specifics in this weeks training episode so make sure you watch or listen to it above.

But, the big idea is… it's all about moving your “cold” prospect to a “warm” prospect. This way… you're always “creating” NEW warm markets for yourself.

Now, let's look at…

The ONE THING You Must Do When Prospecting in the Cold Market

First please realize that this business is a SOCIAL BUSINESS. This means we want to put ourselves in social situations as much as we can.

One of the main factors to becoming a master prospector is your ability to create engagement.

The way to do this is by putting yourself in what I call… the “open position”. This means prepare yourself to invite conversations.

Keep your head up, eyes open and have that friendly smile on your face.

Now, you want to do the same thing when you're working your business online. Except, here you'll do it with engagement on social platforms, live videos, Skype calls, etc.

The KEY is to work your prospecting BOTH offline and online.

The SECRET to Getting Good at Cold Market Prospecting

Ok, here's three top things you can do right away to become a master at cold market prospecting.

1) Be present. This means when you start to engage in conversation with your prospects, listen to them. You want to put 100% focus on THEM and what they're saying.

2) Learn from others. One of the fastest ways to get good at prospecting the cold market is to learn from others doing it. I do live dial calls on Monday nights sometimes. 

3) Practice. Make sure you're using a proven script and practice using it over and over again. Check out one of my best selling programs called my… Little Black Book of Scripts at

In this episode #22, It's all about… “How to Improve Your Cold Market Prospecting Skills”Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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