How to Kill Your Business this Summer

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The Summer Syndrome – How to Kill Your Business this Summer
  • The KEY for Consistent Grow in Your Network Marketing Business
  • The Secret to Sanity in this Business, and in Life!

The Summer Syndrome – How to Kill Your Business this Summer

What you're about to discover…

Determines if your network marketing business grows or dies in the fall.

Now, you might be thinking…

“Todd, how the heck can you tell the future of my network marketing business?”

It's very simple my fearless networker.

What we sow today, we reap tomorrow.

In other words…

The work we put into our business today, filling up the pipeline…

The more new reps and customers we'll bring in tomorrow.

Jim Rohn talks about the laws of the harvest.

Those that work their business by this law… are the ones that have consistent growth.

Most networkers take the summer off, and plan to start back up in the fall.

This kind of thinking kills businesses quickly.

In today's training I'll show you how to have fun all summer…

While growing your business at the same time.

The KEY for Consistent Grow in Your Network Marketing Business

When I see most people get started in this business… they tend to treat it like a job.

This is a lifestyle business…

Which means, you get to work it, on your terms… how you want!

Here's the thing…

Consistency is KEY!

I recommend you design your work schedule… so you're doing something at least 5 days a week.

Regardless of the time of year.

Maybe in the summer, you decide to only work 1 hour a day… cool!

Then in the fall, when you take it back up to a few hours per day.

You have to figure out what works for you and your lifestyle.

The KEY though is being consistent!

Now, let me share with you…

The Secret to Sanity in this Business, and in Life!

I work like crazy, when I'm working.

I also play like crazy when I'm playing.

This is the secret!

When you're working… work.

When you're playing… play.

You don't want to be working while you should be playing.

We all need down time to recharge our batteries.

So make sure you're focusing on the activities at hand.

The fastest way to kill your business is to take off for the summer.

The fastest way to burn out is too consistently be working.

Design your work and play time so you're doing both.

This strategy will keep you feeling great, while growing your business consistently.In this episode #81, It's about… “How to Kill Your Business this Summer”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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