If you want to build a team of high achievers in network marketing, you need to stop recruiting out of desperation. Most network marketers make the same crucial mistake: they focus on people who need an opportunity instead of those who are capable of seizing one.
When you recruit broke, struggling, and desperate people just because they’ll listen, you’re setting yourself up for constant frustration. Instead, you should be scouting talent—seeking out highly successful, well-connected individuals who know how to win.
Why Most Network Marketers Struggle with Recruiting Professionals
Lack of confidence is one of the biggest reasons network marketers default to prospecting people who are struggling financially. Deep down, they don’t believe they can approach high-level, successful individuals, so they go after those who seem “easier” to talk to.
But here’s the truth: The right people—the business-minded professionals, the driven entrepreneurs, and the natural leaders—are actually easier to recruit when you approach them the right way.
💡 Think about it: If you owned a company and needed to hire a VP of Marketing, would you just hire the first random person who submitted an application? Of course not. You’d search for the BEST person for the job.
Yet in network marketing, people tend to talk to anyone willing to listen. No game plan. No strategy. Just hoping and praying that someone will say “yes.”
That’s not how you build a high-performance team.
Building a Championship Team (and Why You Need to Think Like a Talent Scout)
If you were assembling a Super Bowl-winning team, you wouldn’t recruit the scrawny 140-pound guy who’s never played football a day in his life. You’d go after the strongest, fastest, and most skilled athletes available.
The same principle applies to building a powerhouse network marketing team. You need to shift your mindset from just recruiting to scouting elite talent.
✅ Who would be your perfect business partner?
✅ What qualities make someone an ideal recruit?
✅ Where can you find these types of people?
Start by defining your ideal “Distributor Avatar.” Who do you actually want on your team? Once you’re clear on that, you’ll start recognizing high-value prospects that are right under your nose—ones you’ve been completely overlooking.
The Missed Opportunities Hiding in Plain Sight
There are top-tier recruits already in your network or around you,, but you’re not seeing them because you don’t look at them as potential business partners.
💡 Here’s your wake-up call:
- The successful entrepreneur you admire? They’d be incredible in this business.
- The high-energy salesperson crushing it in another industry? Perfect fit.
- The motivated professional who thrives on competition? That’s who you want.
The fastest way to start attracting top talent into your business is by learning how to properly recruit professionals.
That’s exactly what I teach inside my Best-Selling Course: “Insider Secrets to Recruiting Professionals.”
Want to Learn How to Recruit Up?
If you’re tired of struggling with low-quality recruits and ready to start bringing in professionals, entrepreneurs, and business builders, you need this course.
Inside, I’ll teach you:
✅ How to identify the RIGHT people (and stop wasting time on the wrong ones)
✅ How to confidently approach successful professionals without fear or hesitation
✅ What to say, how to say it, and how to position your opportunity like a real business owner
✅ The proven strategies I’ve used for decades to recruit top-tier talent
🎯 If you’re ready to level up your recruiting, get the course here: ToddFalcone.com/recruitup
Stop recruiting out of desperation. Start scouting elite talent and building a real business.
Recruiting Pros is way easier than you think…and it is a LOT more fun. If I can get you to do it just ONCE, you’ll never go back to what you were doing before.