How to Stay Out of Facebook Jail

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How to Stay Out of Facebook Jail
  • Why Facebook is So Sensitive Right Now
  • 4 Facebook Tips To Keep You in The Clear

How to Stay Out of Facebook Jail

Quick question for you…

Are you using Facebook to build your network marketing business?

If so, then stop what you're doing right now, and watch this weeks training above.

It will take under 10 minutes, and it might just keep your Facebook account from being shut down.

In this training…

I'm sharing a few things to look out for that will keep you in the clear with Facebook.

By simply putting these tips into action, it could save you a lot of frustration, if your account were to get shut down.

OK, let's get into it…

Why Facebook is So Sensitive Right Now

Here's the thing…

Facebook doesn't really have a clear set of rules, so to speak.

Because of this, you could be slowing causing your account to get suspended… and not even realize it.

I'll explain a few things you can do to prevent this in just a second. First let me touch on why things are becoming so sensitive with Facebook.

There's a level of censorship going on like never before. This is because of the political environment we're in right now.

What I do want to do is get into these tips, you can start using today.

4 Facebook Tips To Keep You in The Clear

FB Tip #1: If you private message too many people, this can flag you. What you want to do is be consistent in your messaging… and please don't copy and paste messages in there.

FB Tip #2: If you send too many friend requests per day, this can trigger it. Again, no one knows the actual number, the key is to just stay consistent with your requests.

FB Tip #3: Liking, commenting, and sharing too many peoples posts. Facebook doesn't like network marketers already… so keep this in mind.

FB Tip #4: Changing your birthday. This has triggered someone I know to have their entire page shut down.

Falcone Bonus Tip: Make sure you don't rely on only ONE THING to grow your business. This means if you're only using Facebook to build your MLM business, start adding more. This way if one day they decide to shut off your account, your business keeps moving along. In this episode #98, It's about… “How to Stay Out of Facebook Jail”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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