My Secret to Being a Peak Performance Entrepreneur

People ask my all the time how I can DRIVE so hard in my business.  It's not that hard.  I realized that in order for me to operate and be on the GO as much as I am, that I've got to refuel occasionally.

Balance.  Seriously.  Balance.  Working hard and driving requires also that you chill.  Even when I'm doing stuff that most people wouldn't think is relaxing or laying back (i.e.  skiing, hiking, biking, etc.), I'm refueling.  Even if I am still moving, any time ‘away' from all the STUFF that happens in business gets my fuel cells re-energized.

Not everyone is like that.  But…either way, it is TIME AWAY, if even for a few hours or a half a day that can get you back on track and driving hard.

I've been in the mode of needing a break and something as simple as a trip to the mall does it for me.  I've also been frozen and the only thing that turned me back on was 5 days in Hawaii.  I literally made the decision on a Monday and was on a plane by 8am Tuesday morning and on the North Shore of Oahu by noon.

My point is simple.  Success sometimes takes REALLY hard work and dedication…and it can drain you.  Take time to REFUEL and re-energize.

Your check and your health will love you for it.

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