Network Marketing Mistakes: The JOB Acronym

Network Marketing mistakes.  Yes… I've made a few!

I've done some seriously stupid stuff in my day.  Even as I write this, I'm shaking my head!  SMH!

It's a really good thing we can all LEARN from our mistakes and do things differently in the future so our business doesn't suffer!  Seriously…I shiver at the thought of some of the things I did when I first started in this business.

If you're in this profession, you obviously want to avoid making the biggest network marketing mistakes that make you lose money or relationships.

We all make mistakes.  It's part of the growth process.  The idea is to make less of them, and do more of the things that make us money.

In this video, I talk about a pretty industrywide problem that needs addressing and changed.  This particular network marketing mistake is being made in every country I've spoken in.

You already know what it is.  You've seen people make it.  And…who knows?  You may have been like me and thought it was “funny” or “clever”.  It know in my immaturity of building, I did it.

J.O.B. is not an acronym.  JOB does not stand for “just over broke.”  It's a word that represents someone getting paid to work.  It's a word that shows someone is responsible, taking are of themselves, their families and their obligations.  It's a word that doesn't need to be made fun of as a means of making network marketing look cool…and those that have jobs somehow “beneath us.”

Any time someone uses the acronym JOB, and saying “just over broke” is making themselves look stupid.  Yes…that's what I said.  STUPID.  I made myself look stupid by running around and using that acronym that I adopted or “heard” from someone else in network marketing.

I didn't know it was wrong.  I didn't even think about it.  I just copied it from somewhere…

We teach people to COPY others and to DUPLICATE what they do.  This one needs dumping.  It shouldn't be duplicated.

STOP the insanity and let's UP the professionalism here.  We deserve it.

Let me know your thoughts after watching my video.

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