The Harsh Truth Why People Fail in Network Marketing

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The Harsh Truth Why People Fail in Network Marketing.
  • ONE MAIN Factor to Creating Massive Success in Network Marketing.
  • The 30 Day Prospecting Challenge Cheat Sheet.

The Harsh Truth Why People Fail in Network Marketing

One of the great things about network marketing is anyone can do it.

This is an equal opportunity for all of us.

Which got me thinking…

Why do so many people fail in this business?

Good question right?


I've got the answer.

After 30 years of working in this industry…

Working with well over a thousand network marketers.

There's ONE MAIN factor that I've seen determine success.

Some people have it…

Some people don't.

Do you have this ONE MAIN factor?

Let's find out…

ONE MAIN Factor to Creating Massive Success in Network Marketing

What is this one main factor?

It's pretty simple…

It's all about doing the work.

What I've seen over the years are the people who “make it”…

End up being the ones who do the work.

Pretty basic right?

Here's the thing…

This business is NOT complicated.

This business is very simple.

We talk with people and introduce them to what we're doing.

This is a business of connecting with people.

The more connecting you do…

The more results you'll see in your business.

Simple right?

So the question to ask yourself is…

Are you doing the work?

Be honest with yourself.

The more honest you are with yourself and business activities…

The faster you'll move towards success in this industry.

I have something that will help monitor your business activities.

And the best part is you can start using this right away.

Oh… it's also free for you.

It's called…

The 30 Day Prospecting Challenge Cheat Sheet

I developed this tool so you can SEE your daily activities.

​(Click here to download it)

Prospecting is step one.

This tool will allow you to see what your numbers are.

Once you start putting numbers on the board…

Things start taking off for you.

Another tool I developed for you is called…

The Fearless Prospecting Planner.

I use to keep track of all my prospecting activity and you can too.

Make sure you watch or listen to the training on this page.

I go into more detail on this topic.

Just know the first thing to look at if you're not hitting your goals…

Is your business building activities.

Now, if you're hitting your numbers…

But you're still not moving the business.

Then we have look at some other factors…

Like your skills in specific areas of the business.

Good news here is we can help you fix these.

I have all types of training on my site here for you.

In this episode #60, It's about… “The Harsh True Why People Fail in Network Marketing”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

and get Your copy of The Daily WiN! Training Report

and my Best Field-Tested Tips for Success!