What to Do THIS WEEK to Start 2023 Strong!

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Happy Holidays! Did you know that this is a great time of year to be planning ahead and preparing for a solid start to the new year? As we wrap up 2022, I’d like to pitch some ideas of what to do THIS WEEK to start 2023 strong.

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The Magic in a Wish List
  • The Importance of Note-Taking 
  • How to Make the Most of Your Opportunities
Do you want to stroll or springboard into 2023?

There is something powerful about a new year. Accordingly, most individuals have the desire to move in a positive direction, improve, do more, earn higher, etc.  We’re all simply looking to do better.

For example, remember as a kid sitting on Santa’s lap and sharing your wish list? You undoubtedly view that as a cherished childhood memory. Well, why not do that now? What’s your wish list for your business?

Now is the time to reprioritize!

Now it's especially important to reprioritize your client list and write down your top prospects, the ones you’d most like to do business with moving forward.

At the same time, when developing your list use descriptive words that identify each person and the qualities that appeal to you as someone with whom you want to work.

Here’s some examples of descriptive traits:

Skilled, great personality, well connected, proficient at sales, gregarious, self-starter, disciplined, effective communication skills, etc.

Trust me, as a business owner or sales professional, this strategy will assist you in recognizing those that will help you grow your business.

Log your business-building activities!

Another strategy to help you succeed as a self-employed, entrepreneur is to make sure you are logging all your business-building activities and reach outs. In fact, I developed The Fearless Networker Prospecting Partner for just that! It is designed to be utilized as a daily tool to assist with prospecting and recruiting people into your business.

Your prospecting notes are crucial to developing and maintaining successful business relationships. It is essential to implement efficient note-taking practices while connecting with a prospect. Be diligent in tracking…anytime you reach out, take notes.

This tool serves as a chronological record of your endeavors…every phone call, email, message, text, social media exchange, in person connection, etc. Sometimes it takes a while to cultivate business. You can always be creating new opportunities from past opportunities that may not have yet fully developed.

I encourage you to be fully prepared so you can hit the new year strong. And the beauty is that you can start by doing so TODAY!

“You can always be creating new opportunities from past opportunities that may not have yet fully developed.”

In fact, if it’s time for you to make a create a new opportunity, reprioritize your client list or revisit a past connection register TODAY for The Fearless Networker A-Team. This 12-week, live virtual training and coaching program provides unique instruction, support and guidance.

REGISTER for the Fearless Networker™ A-Team

Starting JANUARY 3, 2023 

 REGISTER for The Fearless Networker™ A-Team and receive…

  • Accountability helping hold you to a higher standard of productivity
  • 12-Weeks of LIVE Training
  • Interactive Q&A’s deepening your understanding of invaluable concepts and skills
  • Membership to a Private Facebook Group for personal interaction with me and your A-Team peers
  • The Fearless Networker™ Activity Tracker helping you manage, evaluate and increase your revenue producing activity

Thanks for tuning into The Fearless Networker™ Podcast. Listen to the show, comment and leave a rating to let me know what you think of this episode. Post any questions you may have and tell us about your experiences regarding this subject. I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to share.

Stay fearless,

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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