What to Do When No One on Your Team is Working

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • What to Do When No One on Your Team is Working.
  • The ONE THING You Must NEVER Stop Doing in Your business.
  • How To Attract the Right People into Your Network Marketing Business.

What to Do When No One on Your Team is Working

Today's training is a good one!

Last week I was talking to someone who had put 50 people into his business.

Problem was… NO ONE was working?

He asked me what he should do.

Well, in today's training I'll share with you…

Exactly what you should do in a situation like this.

There are KEY things we must do to make sure this doesn't happen.

Yes, this business is a numbers game…

But, we want the numbers to work in our favor.

Watch (or listen) to today's training and discover…

How to make sure you have a growing team.

Let's get into the ONE THING you must never stop doing…

The ONE THING You Must NEVER Stop Doing in Your business.

OK, it's time to get to work.

What is this ONE THING you must never stop doing?


Consistently bringing NEW people into your business.

Most people sponsor people and the HOPE they do something.

Hope is NOT a strategy my friend.

We have to take responsibility for our business.

Now, in just a moment I'll give you a quick plan on how to do this.

But first KNOW THIS…

We control our business…

Not the people we sponsor… but our business.

Here's what I mean…

We want to run our business in a way that attracts the right people to us.

Once we have the right people in our business…

We then want to start working with them right away.

You might be thinking…

“Sounds great Todd, but how do I attract the right people?”

Let me show right now…

How To Attract the Right People into Your Network Marketing Business.

Last week I did a great post on ‘Interviewing' and NOT ‘pitching'.

This is where it all starts…

We want to start by interviewing people…

And make sure they're who we want on the team.

The next step you want to take is… training your new people.

You want personally work with your new people…

To make sure they get started on the right track.

No, I'm NOT talking about having them just watch videos.

I'm talking about you and them getting on the phone…

And training, prospecting, etc.

This is a relationship business.

Now, make sure you watch (or listen) to the training for all details on this topic.

In this episode #58, It's about… “What to Do When No One on Your Team is Working”. Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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