Why Over 90% Fail in Network Marketing—And How You Can Avoid It

If you’re involved in network marketing—or thinking about joining—there’s one tough reality you need to face: over 90% fail.

Now, before you hit the panic button, let’s dive into why that number is so high and what you can do to avoid being part of the statistic.

The Truth Behind Income Disclosure Statements (IDS)

One of the reasons people question network marketing is the Income Disclosure Statement (IDS) that most legitimate companies share. These documents are meant to show how many people make money, what ranks they hit, and the income associated with those ranks. But there’s something you need to know:

IDS's count every single person who has ever signed up—even those who never lifted a finger to build their business!

That’s right. Many people sign up and do nothing—zip, zilch, nada. And those non-starters skew the numbers. A massive percentage of sign-ups never even attempt to activate their business, and they’re lumped into the “failure” category. It would be far more accurate if IDS’s only counted people who took some kind of action.

This is a critical point because network marketing failure often has little to do with the business model itself and everything to do with the fact that many people never even start.

The #1 Reason People Fail in Network Marketing

So why do so many people sign up and never take action?

It’s simple: They don’t do the work. I’ve seen it time and time again—people join, get excited, and then… nothing. They never launch, they never reach out to prospects, and they never get moving. But why?

Here’s the hard truth: Fear.

  • Fear of ruining their reputation.
  • Fear of losing friends.
  • Fear of looking stupid.
  • Fear of being judged.

In fact, I believe this is the biggest hurdle in network marketing today. People are scared to jump into action because they’re worried about what others will think of them.

Breaking Through the Fear

Here’s what you need to understand: this fear is not unique to network marketing. It’s present in virtually ANY sales business—whether it’s real estate, financial planning, or other entrepreneurial ventures. Every industry has its own failure rate because every industry has people who let fear hold them back.

But if you can push through this fear—if you can take action despite the doubts—you can beat the odds and build a successful business. Having a success mindset might sound like a small thing, but that tiny seed of doubt stops countless people in their tracks.

Network Marketing Isn't Difficult—But You Have to Take Action

Look, network marketing isn’t technically challenging. It’s not rocket science. The steps to success are straightforward and easy to understand. But the hardest part for many is overcoming their own beliefs and pushing past the fear that paralyzes them.

If more people believed in themselves and took consistent action, the success rates in network marketing would skyrocket.

So, are you ready to take action—or will fear hold you back?

Master your Mindset and Put the Odds in your Favor!  Grab my FREE ‘21 Day Power Plan to Conquer Self Doubt’. 

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