Why Some People Get PAID to do MLM

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K….this is a fun subject. You've probably heard about deals…like the legendary JZ getting paid a whopping $9 million dollars to be the ‘big trainer' for a network marketing company, or the RG's, TS's and others who have supposedly been paid millions and millions of dollars to move their teams over (which never really happens anywhere near completion), the fly-ins, red carpet treatments, etc.

The question is for a lot of people is “what the hell is that all about?”

Well…I kinda cover it in the video above. But…if you've ever wondered if that is for real and what it all means, I give you the answer. I was offered a six-figure signing bonus and a 6-figure guarantee to come build a deal a few years ago. Does it happen? Yep. What's it mean? Watch the video…enjoy your day.

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