All Marketers are Liars !!!

What a great title for a book!  Seth Godin wrote a fabulous book on marketing…actually several, including “The Purple Cow”, “Permission Marketing”…and of course, “All Marketers are Liars.”  You can check out his blog at:

 In network marketing…the lying is CRAZY!  Every time I pick up a publication and check out the advertising it makes me want to run to the bathroom and puke.  I understand CLEARLY the importance of using powerful words, attention grabbing headlines, bonuses, testimonials and other important elements to make up a strong marketing campaign, but some of the B.S. I see gives our industry a tarnish.

I thought about writing an ad like this.

Check out this (made up) Sample Ad that shows some of the “hype”:

Perfect Timing 

Exclusive Ground Floor Opportunity to Get in on the Global Launch of what is Sure to be a Household Name in Only a Few Months!

Our Exclusive, Patented, Semi-Automatic Product Combines the Greatest Elements of the Top Companies in MLM to Assure You Will Make a BIG Check in no time flat!

In Fact, our Automatically Regenerated NEW Trinary Uni-Block Comp Plan Pays to Double Infinity!  We pay out a WHOPPING 126%!  You can make as much as Bill Gates does in less than two weeks! 

Better Yet, our Automated System will only require you to sponsor 1 person, then you can sit on your ass and do nothing and receive gargantuan residual checks for the rest of your life! 

I Promise to Build your Downline for You and I will Even Fly you in to my PALATIAL Palace and wine and dine you prior to signing up! 

We haven't even launched yet and we are already rated as the # 1 Home-Based Business in America! 

This product does everything!  Lose weight, get fat, clear your skin, make you grow hair, increases libido, decrease it for those of you who are over-sexed, makes you nicer, your hair shinier, automatically tans you, and makes you taller or shorter depending on your end goal!

Get RICH FAST and join the #1 Networking Trillionaire on his FRONT LINE! 

Call 800-ITS-CRAP for an interview!


Now…obviously that is NOT a real advertisement.  But, there is certainly some reality to what is being marketed out there.  If you plan on advertising your program, BE REAL, BE HONEST, use POWERFUL words, but don't make it sound like a bunch of baloney!  All you're going to attract are baloney eaters! 

 There is a DISTINCT difference between powerful copywriting and BS.  Don't be a, it only leads to a crappy taste in the mouths of your prospects. 

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