Book Review: Right or Almost Right by John Haremza

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Right or Almost Right by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right by John Haremza

Right or Almost Right.  That is the question, isn't it?

I love the title of this book…and love what's in it even more.  This new book written by John Haremza, a long-time veteran in network marketing, does a really good job of helping people to understand the very slight differences between doing something “almost” right, and not yielding good results versus doing something “right” and producing positive results.

It's an easy read…and anytime you can learn from ANYONE who has made 6-figures+ in network marketing, you can't go wrong.

John Haremza comes from extremely humble beginnings and made his way to the pinnacle of success in network marketing by applying what he teaches in his book…his personal experience.

This would be a good add on to anyone's library if they're wanting to learn from those who already have experience in this profession.

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