Fast Starting Your Network Marketing Reps

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How to effectively get your new reps started in your network marketing business… so they're on the right track.
  • Connecting with your new rep and getting on the same page. Doing this will allow you to support them and their goals.
  • The 4-STEP PROCESS (T.S.T.D) that guarantees your new rep TAKES ACTION… so they know exactly how to work the business and get results.

Fast Starting Your Network Marketing Reps

This is so good!Ok, what I'm about to share allows you to get your network marketing reps off to a FAST START in their business.Training our new reps is critical to THEIR SUCCESS and ours. We want to help them WIN as fast as possible so it becomes real to them.Here's why this is important…Every time a new rep gets started in our business there's a clock that starts. This clock determines how long they'll be in the business. The better we can train them to have success, the longer the clock runs for. That's why we want to start them off on the right track in our network marketing business.So, it's important that you're always…

Connecting With Your New Network Marketing Reps

In this episode I'll explain WHY you want to create a connection with your new rep. I'll also share with you some examples of HOW TO do this. Make sure you take notes on this because, once you install this into your “new rep” fast start training… it strengthens your bond with them. Which again… extends their clock!Now, let's talk about…

The 4-STEP Process (T.S.T.D)

Quick question… Would you like to have your new reps TAKING ACTION in their network marketing business… on a consistent basis? “YES… of course I would” 🙂Ok, then here's the 4-step process you'll want to do when training your new reps.1: TEACH. Teach them all about building the business. Create clarity for them so they know what to do.2: SHOW. Show them how to build the business. Lead by example.3. TRY. Have them try it while you coach them so they get good.4: DO. Have them start DOING the business. I cover the specifics of each step in this training so make sure you listen to it and start to use this process. Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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