Fearless Networker Spotlight: Courtney Luper

In this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Courtney Luper

The Fearless Networker:  Courtney, how long have you been involved in the Network Marketing profession and with your current company?

Courtney Luper:  I've been involved in the profession and with my compnay for almost four years.

The Fearless Networker:  What were you doing before you got involved in Network Marketing?

Courtney Luper:  What was I NOT doing?!  Phone sales, advertising, studying to get my insurance license…lots of unfulfilling jobs that kept me broke and unhappy.

The Fearless Networker:  So Courtney, how did you first get introduced to the Network Marketing profession and what was that experience like?

Courtney Luper:  I saw a product on FaceBook that a girl was promoting and she told me I could make money with it.  I tried to get out of the business opportunity part of the conversation by letting her I wasn’t interested.  I just wanted something to help me with weight loss.  She asked me, “What if I just sold enough to pay for my personal order every month?”  I agreed since I was struggling so much.  I definitely didn’t need another bill!  Two weeks after signing up as a distributor, I went to a company conference and that’s when I realized I could totally do this as a business!  I had found what I was searching for my entire life.

The Fearless Networker:  It is so important to get your distributors to events.  How long did it take for you to go from being a part-time Network Marketer to going full-time?

Courtney Luper:  When I went to my FIRST conference just two weeks after I had joined the business and saw “average people” earning huge incomes, I realized they were just like me and made the decision then!

The Fearless Networker:  You saw the potential right away; good for you!  In the past four years, how many people have you personally enrolled into your company?

Courtney Luper:  Close to 1,000 distributors.

The Fearless Networker:  WOW!  What is the current size of your organization?

Courtney Luper:  My total active distributors and customers at this time is 13,022.

The Fearless Networker:  Obviously, you are experiencing great success.  What has been your biggest struggle on your way to achieving success in this profession, and how did you overcome it?

Courtney Luper:  My mindset.  My struggle has been believing that I was worthy of success and relying on my gut to guide me.  That is something I still work on daily.

The Fearless Networker:  Courtney, thank you for your honesty.  What was your biggest fear as you started your Network Marketing career?

Courtney Luper:  My biggest fear was worrying what my friends were going to think.

The Fearless Networker:  Where have you found your biggest success in recruiting new people into your organization?  

Courtney Luper:  My main goal is sharing the product with people as a customer.  I follow up and support them to ensure positive results.  A satisfied customer makes the best distributor!  Customers make up about 90% of my business.

The Fearless Networker:  When it comes to growing your team, what have been some of the most effective actions you’ve taken?

Courtney Luper:  Be real, available and down to earth.  I always feel like I'm a part of my team and not just the leader.  Encourage your team to be a product of the product.

The Fearless Networker:  Are their any specific actions you’ve implemented into growing your business that you’ve found to be exceptionally productive?

Courtney Luper:  I utilized Live Facebook videos to share results of what is possible and to brand myself.  Be real and treat your audience as if they are already your friends.

The Fearless Networker:  I'm curious, what does your typical work day look like?

Courtney Luper:  I spend most of my time sharing my life and interacting with people.  I make friends.  I am on social media, so I am pretty social.

The Fearless Networker:  What’s one solid piece of advice that you’d give someone entering this profession for the very first time?

Courtney Luper:  Be passionate and enthusiastic about the product or service you represent.  If you don’t believe in it, how do you expect anyone else to believe in it?!

The Fearless Networker:  How has being involved in Network Marketing changed your life?

Courtney Luper:  I’ve grown SO MUCH as a person since entering this profession.  Four years ago my confidence was so low that I couldn’t even look you in the eyes.  I had no passion or fulfillment.  I was moving through life, running in circles, just trying to pay the next bill or not get written up at work for being late.  Now I make the rules!  

I am able to break away at any time and take trips.  I am able to reach out when I feel called to do so to make a difference in my community.  I was able to buy my FIRST house and my FIRST new car.  Best of all, I have been able to show my boys that no matter what life throws at you, giving up is never an option.  

It’s been such a fun ride these past few years and….. I am only 41!  Looking forward to the rest of my life in this profession.  Wish I wouldn’t have waited so long!

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have any suggestions for people to ensure that they make Network Marketing a lasting and successful business to pursue for a lifetime?

Courtney Luper:  Find a company that has a product or service you can be passionate about.  Then put your head down and work…. every waking moment.  Don’t chase the money.  Money will never give you fulfillment. If you love what you do, the money will come.  Stay focused and surround yourself with leaders. You are the average of the five people you hang around with so are they lifting you up as you pursue your passion?

The Fearless Networker:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received that’s served you well in business?

Courtney Luper:  Don’t worry about what others think or what they are doing.  That's wasted time and energy.  This is YOUR life.

The Fearless Networker:  What is your favorite business book of all time and why?

Courtney Luper:  My favorite business book is See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar.  It was the first book I remember intentionally taking off of my parents' book shelf as a teenager and reading.  Zig was a special guy and I loved his passion!  I can’t count how many times I have read that book, and know it made a difference in my life.

The Fearless Networker:  If you could share anything that would massively impact the people reading this, what would you say?

Courtney Luper:  Get out of your comfort zone and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  If you ever feel like you can’t do something, that’s when you MUST do it.  

Be a friend.  Be real.  Don’t be scared to let yourself get a little silly sometimes.  People can relate to that.

If you are building your business via social media, do LIVE videos!  That makes you a real person and not just another marketer.  That is the KEY to taking your business up 10 levels.  You can do this!  If you feel a calling in your gut to do something, listen to that calling!  It is there for a reason.  As the late Zig Ziglar said…… “see you at the top!”

The Fearless Networker:

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