Fearless Networker Spotlight: Jessica Ellerman

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Jessica-EllermanIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Jessica Ellerman, who has built an organization in over 15 countries in just seven years.

The Fearless Networker:  Jessica, you began your Network Marketing career in 2009.  How did you originally get into the industry?  

Jessica Ellerman:  Prior to Network Marketing I was basically a stay at home mom who did hair from home for a little extra grocery money.  In 2008 the economy hit our household hard.  My husband was laid off from our primary income and doing hair wouldn’t have been able to support us.  Then in came Network Marketing.  The tables have turned and my husband is primarily a stay at home dad while I travel teaching people how to do this great industry.  Network marketing has changed my life dramatically!  

The Fearless Networker:  I'd say so with an organization in over 15 countries!  Did you have any fears to overcome in the beginning?  

Jessica Ellerman:  When I started network marketing I had no preconceived notions about the industry because it wasn’t something I grew up around.  So truthfully, I didn’t have fear.  It wasn’t until I was making an income that I learned all the things I was supposed to be scared of and by that point they didn’t matter.

The Fearless Networker:  No fear!  So how about any obstacles?

Jessica Ellerman:  My biggest struggle was emotionally detaching myself from a prospect that might say, “no”.  I overcame this by showing the opportunity to more people, which led to more practice.  At first I wanted to save everyone close to me, but I quickly learned to get my disappointments out of the way early.

The Fearless Networker:  What advice would you give someone joining this business for the first time?    

Jessica Ellerman:  I’m a firm believer that “ignorance on fire” is superior to “knowledge on ice”.  Get in and roll up your sleeves; you will learn what you need to know along the way.  Also, remember it's business so up's and down's will happen.  When you have a down time refer back to what you were doing during your up times and DO THAT again.  There isn't a leader out here who hasn't rebuilt or felt as if they've rebuilt several times.

I’m a firm believer that “ignorance on fire” is superior to “knowledge on ice”.  Get in and roll up your sleeves; you will learn what you need to know along the way. — Jessica Ellerman

Jessica-Ellerman-2The Fearless Networker:  What are some specific actions you've implemented in your business that have benefited you the most?

Jessica Ellerman:  Short bursts of massive action; launching a business quickly.  Condensed actions create momentum.  A person who sponsors 10 people out of the gate is going to create WAY MORE momentum than someone who sponsors 10 in a year.  I teach people (and yes, they are just regular, average people) to build as quickly as possible.  This means myself and my leaders are more hands-on at first, but it duplicates into the group quickly so we tend to have people off and running on their own and teaching what they just learned very fast.

The Fearless Networker:  Duplication is the key to success.  Thank you for sharing that very valuable action with our readers.  What strategies do you utilize to build your team?

Jessica Ellerman:  Some of the biggest things I’ve done to “team build” is start a weekly team call.  I call it “our huddle” and I’ve done it for years.  People from all over the world get on the call where I share what’s going on inside the company, business building tips, leader board, etc.  I also keep in close contact with my team through text, social media and just plain showing up wherever I’m needed to fuel the fire.  I like to work where I’m not needed in order to keep momentum at its highest.  I personally work and develop leaders throughout my organization and also focus on getting my personal recruits started as quickly as possible.

The Fearless Networker:  How do you find your new recruits?

Jessica Ellerman:  My best recruiting tool is my social media contacts.  Whether it be people from my past, or new people I meet.  I do not “barf” on my social media, meaning I don't put links to my website with “sign up now” or post about “income potential”.  Instead, I create an inviting atmosphere of positive posts, show that the lifestyle I live is healthy, happy and goal driven.  I try to create so much curiosity that at some point they say, “Okay Jessica, what is it that you actually do!?”

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have any business books you'd recommend to a new recruit or even someone that's seasoned in the business?

Go for No by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz.  (It's short and sweet like my attention span).

Jessica-Ellerma-fitThe Fearless Networker:  Jessica, clearly you are focused and driven.  How does one make Network Marketing a long-term success?

Jessica Ellerman:  Work on themselves more than they work on anything else.  You have to grow to be successful in this industry.  You will not be the same person who started when you begin to really succeed.  And, OWN your business…don’t play the blame game.  It’s up to you to grow your business.  Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY is going to do it for you.

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have one tip that could have a huge impact on our readers' organizations?

Jessica Ellerman:  Culture will build you a business.  You get the culture right on your team and they will come from every where to join you.  Every problem I've ever had was always able to be traced backed to culture.  What is culture?  It’s the harmony your group has, the way meetings or parties are ran, the way you edify people, how you carry yourself, and how much fun you have while doing it.  It will make or break you.  Make it so your team's culture is fun, fast, successful, inviting, uplifting…everything most people are missing in their lives.

The Fearless Networker:  Lastly, what's the BEST piece of advice you've received and used in this profession?

Jessica Ellerman:  Their is no problem that can’t be solved by  personally sponsoring five new people.

The Fearless Networker:  I second that!  Thanks so much for your time Jessica.  Wishing you continued success!

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