Fearless Networker Spotlight: Liz Medley

Liz MedleyIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Liz Medley, a professional Network Marketer who has built an organization of over 18,000 in a little over two years.

As with every Fearless Networker Spotlight, we dig in with specifics on these entrepreneurs are growing their businesses and bring these success stories to you.  If you know someone who deserves to be featured, let us know.

The Fearless Networker:  Liz, you've been in the profession for a little over two years and already have a massive organization!  During that time, how many people have you personally enrolled into your company?

Liz Medley:  I've personally enrolled 206 individuals.

The Fearless Networker:  What was your biggest roadblock on your way to achieving success in this profession?

Liz Medley:  Keeping my phone charged!  I couldn't set it down.  I was blowing it up and before I knew it, I felt like I was on a landline; always tethered to an outlet. 

Liz MedleyThe Fearless Networker:  LOL!  Keeping your phone charged, that's a challenge in which we can all relate.  Let's get a little more serious now.  Did you have any fears when starting your career in Network Marketing?

Liz Medley:  Nothing.  I had been a traditional business owner for 11 years and quickly realized this was a better way and would truly give me the freedom with my time that I desired.  I sold the business I had owned since I was 19 after only four months in Network Marketing and have never looked back.  There is nothing to fear. Fear can and always will be conquered by action. 

The Fearless Networker:  Speaking of action, where have you found your biggest success in recruiting new people into your organization?  

Liz Medley:   I would say my biggest success in sponsoring came from my first six weeks in business.  I had enrolled 22 people in a very short period of time and those ladies and teams account for 90% of my income today.  I also am continually bringing in new business partners.  

In the beginning I had absolutely no emotion to the outcome, whether they bought product from me or got hooked up with deep discounts and an amazing starter kit.  It didn't matter to me.  I knew that no one on the market had what we had did so, I believed 100% on what I was offering and sharing. 

I now build 95% on social media.  I offer value to my audience and build on my personal page with lifestyle and my business page with solutions to their problems. 

Liz MedleyThe Fearless Networker:  Are their any specific actions you’ve implemented into growing your business that you’ve found to be exceptionally productive?  I know you've done quite a bit over Social Media with your personal recruiting efforts.  

Liz Medley:  Utilizing FaceBook videos and FaceBook Live has created rapid growth globally for myself and my team.  It's been, hands down, the biggest leverage we've been able to create inside of our organization. 

“Fear can and always will be conquered by action.”  Liz Medley

The Fearless Networker:  When it comes to building your group, what have been some of the most effective actions you’ve taken?

Liz Medley:  I rely on teaching and using overlapping leadership.  I reach down far into my organization and work with the ones taking action, those who are hungry and coachable.  The ones who keep showing up in my inbox for more are the ones I spend time with; it's paid off well for everyone. 

The Fearless Networker:  What is your favorite business book of all time?

Liz Medley:  Dang, this is tough. I have so many favorites inside different categories of business.  I would have to say my all time favorite is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.  It had the biggest impact on my mental game and working smarter not harder. 

The Fearless Networker:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received that’s served you well in business?

Liz Medley:  Gain clarity and have belief because with these you can make anything happen.  

Liz MedleyThe Fearless Networker:  How has being involved in Network Marketing changed your life?

Liz Medley:  I have more freedom than ever!  Like so many, I was making sacrifices, missing out on the things, and missing out on time with the people that mean the most to me in life. 

The Fearless Networker:  What’s one solid piece of advice that you’d give someone entering this profession for the very first time?

Liz Medley:  Gather friends.  You're in business to make friends.  When you are in public have a three-foot rule; if you are in 3 feet of a person, talk to them.  Speak!  Give them a smile or compliment.  Strike up conversation, make the connection on Facebook and add them to a list.  Build your list!

The Fearless Networker:  Do you have any suggestions for people to ensure that they make network marketing a lasting and successful business to pursue for a lifetime?

Liz Medley:  Learn skills and systems.  Grow yourself and work on becoming a professional.  It will make the initial ride in business smoother and help you gain momentum.  Always be making friends and helping others get what they want.  Find people's problems and provide a solution. 

The Fearless Networker:  If you could share anything that would massively impact the people reading this, what would you say?

Liz Medley:  Stop overthinking.  Take massive action.  If you don't know how to do something, Google it!  People have done this all before and already mastered it.  Do what they do! 

The Fearless Networker:  Great advice Liz!  Thanks so much for sharing with The Fearless Networker audience.

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