Here’s How to NOT Get Terminated from your MLM

This seems to be the “subject of the month”…or so it seems.  I wanted to share my thoughts with you on the subject of leaving one company and moving to another, should you ever be faced with that unfortunate decision.  You can hear my opinion in the video below:

The video of course is not ALL about how to not get terminated, it is more about making wise decisions that create goodwill and keep your reputation in tact.  I've managed to survive in this profession now for over two decades and have seen probably close to everything.  People are interesting for sure.

My good friend called me up the other day and asked what my thought was on people who leave one company, go to another and then trash talk the former company while at the same time, aggressively targeting those individuals.  Is that leadership?  The answer is no.  It shows weakness in my opinion.  I am strongly opinionated about doing things that serve to foster long-term relationships and uplift our profession rather than denigrate it.

I have recently had the utter pleasure of this kind of garbage happening in my own life, where individuals who call themselves friends…are in reality only friends as long as it serves them.

I don't know about you, but I like having assets that I have worked to build, continue to pay me over time, even IF I choose to go do something else.  Unfortunately however, some people suffer from poor decision making skills or simply lack integrity.  There are other reasons of course that people do things, but I'd love to hear your feedback.

What do you think is the right way to leave a company?
OR…is there even a right way?

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