How to Better Interview your MLM Prospects

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Got some MLM Prospects to talk to?

What are you saying to them?  How you are engaging with you prospects can be the “deal breaker” in that relationship, and can prove to be a vital part of the process for you…

When it comes to the recruiting process, probing for information is important, but also doing it in the right way.

You have to ask questions of your MLM prospects, but also be careful not to probe too deeply, too fast.  It may end up sounding like you are “drilling” them with questions, and nobody likes that.

People do network marketing because they have a need, a want or some dissatisfaction in their lives.  It's up to you to find it.

What you've got to be able to do when meeting new people is uncovering their need.  And…when you do it, it's important that you don't ask hard questions too early.  You've got to ease into the process a bit.

I am responding to the massive number of people who filled out my Annual Success Survey and getting on camera to respond to your requests.

This answer is based on the request of “how do you interview your MLM prospects?”

Here's how…

Got any favorite questions you like to ask your MLM prospects when getting to know them?  

Love to hear from you below…

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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