How to Get More Targeted Leads on Social Media for Free

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How to Get More Targeted Leads on Social Media for Free… and Fill Up Your Calendar.
  • My Simple Social Media Marketing Formula… Use This to Attract High Quality Leads Starting Today.
  • #1 Place for Finding Great Prospects on Social Media… These People Are Looking For Your Solution.

How to Get More Targeted Leads on Social Media for Free… and Fill Up Your Calendar Fast.

Today's training is critical to your success in network marketing.

What I'll share with you today, could change your network marketing business forever.

The reason I'm so passionate about this topic… is because it's the life blood of your business.

I'm talking about prospecting.

Without having the right people to talk with about your business… you're out of business.

In today's marketplace, social media is the hottest place for prospecting… when done right.

Don't worry… I'm going to show you exactly how to do this in today's training.

I'll walk you through it… step-by-step… and it's NOT going to cost you a cent.

Start using this strategy within the hour… and start filling your calendar right away.

Imagine having a few qualified prospects in your pipeline… within a few hours.

OK, let's get to work and look at…

My Simple Social Media Marketing Formula… Use This to Attract High Quality Leads Starting Today

The first thing you want to ask yourself is… what problems do your products or services solve?

Do they help people lose weight?

Do they help people have better health?

Do they help people have better skin?

I think you get the idea.

Once you've identified to problem you help solve… it's time to start coming up with ideas.

Jot down your ideas and keep notes on these.

You'll want to use these to create stories from.

These stories are what you'll post on social media.

Couple key things when crafting your content for your posts.

1) Make sure your content is engaging (details in video).

2) Make sure you're using curiosity in your content.

3) Always have a CTA (call-to-action)… this can be to PM (private message) you, etc.

So it's 1) Story (engaging), 2) Curiosity (intrigue), 3) CTA (call-to-action).

Now you have an overall framework for attracting quality prospects.

It's time to look at the…

#1 Place for Finding Great Prospects on Social Media… These People Are Looking For Your Solution

The best place to find your ideal prospects are Facebook groups.

These people are like-minded… discussing the group topic and looking for solutions to problems.

Start joining groups where you know you can help the people in there.

When you join these groups you're going to contribute valuable content.

The goal is NOT TO PITCH your products or services.

The goal is to develop relationships with people who you can help.

Before you know it, people will start reaching out to you to learn more.

Make sure you watch the entire training video on this page… to get all the details.


In this episode #48, It's about… “How to Get More Targeted Leads on Social Media for Free”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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