How to Get Past the Fear of Prospecting

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How to Get Past the Fear of Prospecting and Start Growing Your Business
  • The Real Reason People Get Stuck and How to Get Unstuck Starting Today
  • The 3-Step Formula for Becoming a Fearless Networker

How to Get Past the Fear of Prospecting and Start Growing Your Business

Have you ever had someone join your team… and end up doing nothing?

Or maybe…

You've joined someone's team… and ended up doing nothing?

It's the ‘doing nothing' that I'm going to help you with today.

What I've found over the last 30 years in this business is…

A lot of people end up ‘doing nothing' in it.

Why is this?

Great question.

The answer is quite simple.

It all has to do with this one 4 letter word.

This word has stopped many men and women from reaching their true potential.

This word is responsible for 98% of failure in our industry…

But no one is really talking about it.

What is this 4 letter word?

It's F.E.A.R!

Fear is what causes people to NOT prospect.

Fear is what causes people to STOP dreaming.

Fear is what causes people to make EXCUSES for their behavior.

And it's what stops almost all network marketers from becoming their best.

Well in today's training… that's going to stop!

Everyone deals with some type of fear, but what's important…

Is how we deal with that fear and overcome it.

In just a minute…

I'm going to give you my 3-Step formula for becoming a fearless networker.

But, first I want to share with you…

The Real Reason People Get Stuck and How to Get Unstuck Starting Today

If you've ever felt STUCK…

And not able to do something you know you should be doing.

Then today's training will change your life.

When we peel back the onion of being ‘stuck' what we find is fear.

When we dig a little deeper under this, we find confusion.

We tend to say things like… “I'm so confused”.

Then we end up doing nothing.

This type of thinking is a fast train to failure… and I don't want that for you.

What I'm about to share with you will change everything… for the better.

Use this formula starting today… and watch your business take off like a rocket.

I've coached thousands of networkers and this formula is life changing.

OK, here's…

The 3-Step Formula for Becoming a Fearless Networker

Use this to break free from fear and then bust through it like a wrecking ball.

Use this to train your new people on…

So they become revenue producing machines.

Here's the 3-Steps:Step #1: Training

The first thing you must do is train.

You want to…

  • Train on prospecting.
  • Train on inviting.
  • Train on following up.
  • Train on closing.
  • Train on leadership.

Once you start training… this eliminates ‘confusion' and get's you unstuck.

Now that you have the skills, it's time for step #2.Step #2: Action

Start taking massive action on what you've learned.

Once you start doing the work… it becomes so much fun.

Your daily business building actives are enjoyable.

Not to mention your self-esteem goes through the roof…

Because you're actually doing… and it feels amazing.

Your team starts growing… and so do your checks.

Next you want to do step #3.Step #3: Tweak & Repeat

Each week you want to evaluate your activities… and see how you can do it better.

Then repeat what works and throw out what doesn't.

Make sure you watch this weeks training to get all the details on this.

In this episode #55, It's about… “How to Get Past the Fear of Prospecting”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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