How To Know Who To Work With On Your Team

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How To Know Who To Work With On Your Team
  • The One Thing To Remember When Working With Team Members
  • Two BIG Rules For Working With Your Team

How To Know Who To Work With On Your Team

You’re going to love today’s training. If the idea of building a large and productive team excites you, then make sure you watch this training video. The real driver in network marketing is having a productive organization. This means having team members consistently put up big numbers on the board. And to put big numbers on the board, it takes RPA’SRPA stands for Revenue Producing Activity. Which is what you and your team should be focusing on every day. Now when it comes to your team, how do you know who you should be working with? That’s exactly what I’ll show you in today’s training. Let’s get started.

The One Thing To Remember When Working With Team Members

The question… How do you determine who you work with and for how long? This is a good one. And it’s also a very important question. Because it has to do with the most precious thing of all, your time. See, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. What makes us different is how we choose to use those 24 hours .The name of the game is ROI (return on investment.) For example, if we invest one hour in our new rep John, will it pay off in the future for us? I’ve invested many hours in many people who did not pay off. So, consider this and use what I’m about to share with you. This will save you a tremendous amount of time, energy, and frustration.

Two BIG Rules For Working With Your Team

Rule #1: Get your new reps and customers started on the right path. This means you want to train them on the exact activities (RPA’s) they should be doing daily. For your customers, you want to train them also. Here you’ll train them on how to consume the products, when to reorder, etc. Rule #2: Once you’ve plugged in your new reps into some type of getting started training, it’s time to get to work. Here you’ll be doing your own RPA’s and watching who on your team is starting to do the work. What you’re looking for here is an activity from your new reps. It could be then calling you to ask questions about part of the process. This is good! It shows they’re hungry and willing to get to work. These are the people you’ll spend time with. Your goal is to work with the willing. Not to work with the people who are making excuses. Spend your time and energy with the people you’ll get an ROI from. This doesn’t mean you’re ignoring everyone else on your team. Instead, what you’re doing is sending a strong message to them. Saying if you’d like my help, then you must be actively building your business. Now, make sure you watch my video to get all the details. And if you’d like to plugin to me daily, check out my

This episode, #153, it’s about “How To Know Who To Work With On Your Team.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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