How To Make Network Marketing Your Full-Time Gig

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How To Make Network Marketing Your Full-Time Gig
  • This One Question Identifies The 5% Who Become a Full-Time Networker
  • Flipping The Switch That Lights Up Your Network Marketing Career

How To Make Network Marketing Your Full-Time Gig

Quick question for you:

What’s your commitment level in your network marketing business?

I’m going to share a quick exercise with you that I do on stage. Take a few minutes and do this with me because it can truly take you from part-time to full-time in this business.

Quick story:

On March 7th, 2020, I did a live event and spoke in front of around 2000 people.

I asked this question…

“How many of you want to make enough money from this business where your life could totally depend on it?

Where enough income was coming in from your business, you didn’t need to have a job, giving you everything you needed.

The response:

One hundred percent of the hands went up in the room, which is excellent!


This One Question Identifies The 5% Who Become a Full-Time Networker

I asked a second question:

“How many of you can honestly say you’re acting as if your life depends on it?”

Around five percent of the room kept their hands up; the other ninety-five percent put them down.

Do you see the disconnect there? You’re saying you want to make enough money from this business where your life could depend on it; however, you’re not “acting” like it.

Now, think about this…

You go into your job one day and notice all your stuff is in a box. You’re then told you’re no longer needed, and you’re now fired. At this point, fear comes over you like a cold shower, and you go into panic mode because you’ve got bills to pay and kids to feed.

Flipping The Switch That Lights Up Your Network Marketing Career

Here’s a thought:

What if the network marketing business you’re in right now was the only way you could feed your family? In other words, you had to make this business work. What would you do?

You would do whatever it took to take care of your family, wouldn’t you?

The hunger to provide for your family would instantly eliminate all fear of doing the business. This is the type of mindset you want to have in your network marketing business moving forward.

What if you decided right now to treat your network marketing business like your life depended on it? Once you make that tiny little shift in your mindset, this will put you into action mode, and that’s how you go full-time!

Make sure you watch the video above to get all the details.

In this episode #111, It's about… “How To Make Network Marketing Your Full-Time Gig.”

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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