How To Prevent People From Ghosting You

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • How To Prevent People From Ghosting You
  • The Art Of Ghost Busting In Network Marketing
  • Booking More Follow-up Appointments And Closing More Business

How To Prevent People From Ghosting You

There’s a common phrase when people don’t get back to you. It’s called “Getting ghosted.” You might have experienced this phenomenon. You talk with a new prospect, and they agree to review your information. You then set a follow-up appointment to get back with them and see what they thought of it. You put it in your calendar, block out the time, and then you follow-up. The problem is when you call at the set appointment time; your prospect is no longer taking your call. It’s like they suddenly vanished off the planet. You leave a message and nothing. You call back the next day, nothing. You send a few emails and text messages, nothing. You, my Fearless Networker, have just been ghosted. Well, in today’s training, I’m going to show you how to start ghost busting and prevent this from happening to you.

The Art Of Ghost Busting In Network Marketing

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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