How to Use Scripts the Right Way

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If you are involved in network marketing and looking for the RIGHT words to use, with the most effective DELIVERY, then this quick training tutorial will move you in that direction.

Learn EXACTLY how to say it the right way so that you get a YES…rather than a NO…a hang up, or an “I'm not interested.”

Scripts are not for wimps. In other words, you don't have to be a frightened, unsure individual to use a script. Scripts are for EVERYONE.

I use them. For over 20 years, I have used scripts.

The key to using a script in network marketing is to use them properly.

    1. 1. Practice them over and over.
    1. 2. Don't change them.
    1. 3. Keep them handy.
    4. Don't deviate. (Interesting…kind of a repeat from #2)

Listen…follow the path. Follow the yellow brick road.

Follow your scripts. Proven words, proven approaches, tested over and over…they work.


I have put together a Script Book that contains over 80 pages of Scripts, Tips and Approaches for literally any situation you might ever find yourself in as a network marketing professional. I also toss in 2-audios with the program to teach you EXACTLY how to use them properly.

You can pick up a copy here:

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Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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