Is ‘The Answer’ in ‘The Secret’?

I recently interviewed John Assaraf, who as many of you know was one of the major contributors to the movie phenomenon “The Secret.”

Just prior to our interview, he was finalizing taping for the Big Idea with Donny Deutsch.  He's also been on CBS, ABS, CNN, the Larry King Live Show, and Oprah.

I just finished reading his new book, appropriately titled “The Answer” which he co-wrote with his business partner Murray Smith.  If you want some details on it, you can check it out at

I had an absolutely huge crowd on my call for the interview.  For those of you who couldn't get in, my sincere apologies.  WE maxed out our conference bridge and simply couldn't fit more than 1000 people on the live call.

I am always personally in search of information and ideas to better my life.  As most of my readers know, I am a Christian.  I don't sacrifice dogs, cats, chickens or any other animal for that matter.  I believe in God.  My Savior is Jesus Christ.

Why am I telling you this?  Well, first of all to THANK YOU for your incredible support and response to a recent newsletter I published regarding ‘heat' I had gotten from someone who gave me crap over having anyone involved in “The Secret” on my call.  That particular individual chose to no longer receive my newsletter because I invited John on my call.

What an overwhelmingly powerful and positive response that I received from literally hundreds of my readers and listeners!  Just because someone has viewed “The Secret” and believes in its basic premise does not mean that they are “hocus pocus, witchcraft, crystal chanting, chicken killers.”

They very basics of the movie is about the Law of Attraction.  Seek and ye shall Find.

In John's new book, “The Answer”, he discusses some really incredible things about how the mind works and how we can train ourselves to change our belief patterns to create better results.  You'll learn about The Law of Gestation and The Law of Action, as well as EXACTLY how to program your mind to produce even more results than you are currently.

If you get even one great nugget out of this book, you will be a happy camper.  If you read it and apply it, you'll probably be a very rich and happy camper.

May God Bless you Every Day of your Life !

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