My Network Marketing DMO…

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Routines…rituals, daily processes and habits.  We all have them in some way or another.

What about a network marketing DMO?  What's the typical day look like?

I have been asked numerous times about what my day looks like.  While every day brings a bit of something different when you are in network marketing, I'm actually very routine.

In fact, I think that if you are going to be successful in network marketing, have a routine, a plan, a DMO…or whatever else you want to call it is a must.  Walking into your office and not having a clue as to what you're going to do is a recipe for disaster.  Don't do that.

Network Marketing success comes from being consistent.  Success in general comes as a result of being consistent in all that you do.

My Personal Network Marketing DMO

My routine consists of a pre-plan the night before, an early start, mastering my T0-Do List, sticking to my calendar, and a couple of other simple tasks.  I actually go into some more detail in this video I just recorded.

I'd love to hear from you.  Do you have a specific routine…a network marketing DMO that you follow??

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