Network Marketing and Your Internet IQ

From the desk of Todd Falcone:

If you're anything like me, you probably want to stay up on things that help you make money in your business. One of the main reasons I have been so successful in Network Marketing is because of my desire to learn, grow and focus on what matters in my business.

As my old friend says, “When you are green you grow, and when you're ripe, you rot.” In other words, if you stay green and willing to learn rather than acting like you know everything, your business will continue to propel forward during changing times.

Where do you stand when it comes to Internet Marketing knowledge?

Are you BEHIND the Times, WITH the Times, or AHEAD of the Times?

The times are definitely CHANGING. And YOU should know how those changes impact you and your business. Long gone are the days of ONLY doing coffee shop presentations, house parties with white boards and hotel rah-rah sessions. Sure…they still happen AND they still work. But in the age of DVD's, Flash Movies, online video, Blogging and Podcasting…where do you stand?

The Internet got you confused?

Still wanting to Stake Your Claim?

It's not too late. Not even close!

Here's a silly question: Is the Internet here to stay?
Answer: Duh! YES!

And, a not so silly Question: What is your Internet IQ?

Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “I am a complete novice on Internet Marketing” and 10 being “I am the leading expert on lead and traffic generation on the Internet”.

If your answer is 6 or below, then YOU MUST READ THIS NEXT SECTION!!!!!!

If you plan on being in network marketing and you want to begin to understand what in the world the Internet is all about when it comes to marketing, then this ALL NEW “Web Marketing 101” training is absolutely for you. The Internet is an amazing place and a tremendous resource for lead generation and relationship building. However, most people never know more than simply surfing around the web, sending and receiving email and putting up a site that generates very little or even worse, NO traffic.

If you are confused about Pay-per-Click advertising, Squeeze pages, SEO, Google Ad Words, Branding Pages, MySpace, YouTube, Forums, Blogging, Podcasting, and an entire array of other things that you have probably heard about but don't completely understand, then this course is ABSOLUTELY FOR YOU!

I've designed a course that will be conducted over a conference call line and through a web meeting system that will enable you to hear me as well as SEE my computer screen where I will take you through both a slide presentation as well as show you many examples of both good and bad marketing online, in real time. This is NOT an advanced course on Internet Marketing. If it was, you'd be charged $3000 to $5000 for it. This is for those of you who want to stop your confusion and begin to understand things more clearly so that you can build a foundation of understanding the world of Internet Marketing.

If you do not consider yourself internet marketing savvy, then you absolutely must get in on this course before it sells out.


Web Marketing 101
with your host, Todd Falcone

“A Live Training Designed for Those of You Who Don't Consider Yourselves Internet Masters!”

I thought long and hard about how much to charge for this course. If you were to go and do what I did, it would literally take you weeks and weeks of all day and all night research and study just do understand this stuff. I could easily charge $1500 for this information, if not more. However, I want you to know this stuff, so you can take what I teach you and then take your learning to a higher level. I thought $497 sounded fair. Then $297, because I wanted people to AFFORD this information.

Finally, I settled on a mere $97.

Right now, you can get yourself in on this 4 hour webinar training and your investment is only $97 for what undoubtedly has cost me thousands of dollars in education and thousands of dollars in man hours studying this stuff.

Here are the details for “Web Marketing 101”

Course Dates and Times:
Thursday May 17th from 5pm-7pm
Thursday May 24th from 5pm-7pm

CRITICAL NOTES before you register: You MUST be in front of your computer screen for this training, preferably on a high speed connection. Your operating system must also be Windows XP or newer. This web meeting system will not function on computers with Window 98 or older. You will be dialing into a conference line so that you can HEAR me and watching your computer screen so you can SEE things that I am teaching you.

I expect this course to sell out almost instantly. Hundreds of you responded to me indicating you wanted this information desperately. Here is your chance.

To register for “Web Marketing 101”, simply click here now.

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Ready to see what’s changing the game in network marketing?

This isn’t just another event—it’s the replay you don’t want to miss. Todd Falcone reveals a breakthrough AI tool that’s transforming the way you engage, recruit, and succeed on social media.

Network marketers, this is your moment. Don’t miss this chance to discover:

  • A tool that works for you, so you can engage without burning out.
  • Proven ways to supercharge your reach, even if you struggle with social media.
  • How top marketers are staying ahead with cutting-edge AI—and how you can too.

Register now to access the replay and take your network marketing to the next level!

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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