Prospecting Mastery – Are You A Note Taker?

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Prospecting Mastery – Are You A Note Taker?
  • The TWO Key Activities For Creating Success in Network Marketing
  • How I Take Notes And Close Business Daily

Prospecting Mastery – Are You A Note Taker?

I’ve got excellent training for you today. It will help you close more business faster and easier than you might be experiencing. What you’re about to see is something I always do when prospecting and meeting new people. This has served me for over three decades and has made me a fortune. It’s super simple, and you can start doing it after watching the training. Here’s the thing…There are TWO main things I do daily that allow me to create success. I’ll share these with you, so you can start doing these today. Take the next ten minutes right now and go through this quick training. Let’s get started…

The TWO Key Activities For Creating Success in Network Marketing

Ok, there are TWO key activities I do consistently in this business. These activities are responsible for my having success going on close to 30+ years in this business. ONE…I focus on revenue-producing activities daily. Prospecting. This means I’m always meeting and talking with new people about the business. TWO…I focus on building relationships with people. If you put your energy into these two activities, your business will skyrocket. Now, one of my secret weapons for these two activities is note-taking! Sounds simple right? You’d be surprised how many network marketers I talk with do not take notes on the people they meet. Let me quickly walk you through it…

How I Take Notes And Close Business Daily

The name of the game is keeping your pipeline full. This means you always have people moving through your process. Because of this, it’s very common to talk with a prospect a few times before they become a customer or join the business. This is where taking good notes comes into play. I like to take detailed notes about the person I’m talking with. I’m looking for clues that can connect us, help us bond and start to build the relationship. Here are some example notes I might take…Where are they from? What company are they with? What is their partner's name? Knowing these things about the person helps build relationship capital with them. This way, when I reconnect with the person, I can look at my notes, and it’s like we’re old friends chatting. Start taking notes on everyone you talk with. When you connect again, you’ll be able to quickly scan your notes and instantly know who they are and how you connect with them. Now…If you’d like to stay updated with my latest prospecting and recruiting strategies and what’s working today. I want to invite you to check out my Fearless Networker Insider group. Read more here at: This episode, #184, it’s about “Prospecting Mastery – Are You A Note Taker?.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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