Put Thousands in your Downline without Sponsoring Anyone

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This is a fact.  You can absolutely put thousands of people in your downline without every personally sponsoring anyone again.  Of course, I'm not at all suggesting that you don't continue to personally recruit people.  In fact…you NEED to.

You absolutely need to be leading by example and showing people the way.

I want you to get my point in the video about TEAM building and TALENT scouting, not just look at the sentence of “never sponsoring anyone”.  Let's be smart here.

And…just so you understand the point I make in this video, you can't do what I teach in terms of dramatically growing your organization into the thousands or even tens of thousands without having first PERSONALLY SPONSORED PEOPLE on your front level in your organization.

Watch the video and DO this.  Most people don't.  And…it's why they aren't growing more sizable groups and reaping the rewards of bigger checks.

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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