The Cheater’s Way To Mastering Attraction Marketing On Facebook

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The Cheaters Way To Mastering Attraction Marketing On Facebook
  • Collecting Data And Seeing What’s Working Now
  • Crafting Your Content On Facebook That Triggers Response

The Cheaters Way To Mastering Attraction Marketing On Facebook

Ok, today’s lesson is good! By the time you’re finished with it, you’ll have an action plan for getting more likes, shares, and engagement on social media. And It’s completely free for you! See, it’s not about having resources; it’s about being resourceful. I once heard Mark Cuban say this, and I agree. What this comes down to is…Being able to shortcut your way towards becoming a better marketer. The reason you want to learn marketing is to help leverage your time. This way, you have people reaching out to you, as well as you’re prospecting efforts. Some people have coined the phrase “attraction marketing.” in our space. The truth is, it’s simply marketing. I’m all about keeping things simple because simple works. Let’s dive into this week’s training, and you’ll see how to start marketing like a pro on Facebook™.

Collecting Data And Seeing What’s Working Now

What I’m about to share with you can be used on all social media platforms. The idea here is that we want to model what’s working. To do this, you want to start searching for items in your newsfeed that grab your attention .I’d also recommend you keep track of everything in a google spreadsheet or something. This way, you’re building what’s known as a swipe file. The goal here is to start taking notice of what’s working and what’s not working. When you’re scrolling through your newsfeed, what stops you from scrolling? Take note of this and write it down. In just a moment, I’ll share with you how to use this information. The key here is to make sure whatever stops you from scrolling has engagement on the post. How many likes does it have? How many comments does it have? What is the picture they used? Take a screenshot of the post and save this in your swipe file. Now, let’s get into…

Crafting Your Content On Facebook That Triggers Response

Once you have an idea of the content causing the market to respond, it’s time to create your content. Now, you never what to copy someone else content… that’s called plagiarism. You want to take the ideas and frameworks you’ve seen working and give your spin on them. This way, the content is 100% yours and no one else’s.

Again, it’s about modeling their framework and NOT using their content. Start doing this today and watch your engagement start to climb on your Facebook posts. Now, if you’d like to learn more about posting on social media and rapidly building your network marketing business.

This episode, #154, it’s about “The Cheaters Way To Mastering Attraction Marketing On Facebook.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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