The Cold Market Tactic No One Is Telling You About

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The Cold Market Tactic No One Is Telling You About
  • How To Instantly Change How Your Prospects See You
  • You Becoming The Director Of Your Own Movie

The Cold Market Tactic No One Is Telling You About

How would you like to double the business you’re doing this week? For example: If you’re currently sponsoring one person a week, how would you like to sponsor two people this week? If you’re currently sponsoring four people a week, how would you like to sponsor eight people this week? What you’re about to discover in this week’s quick training is precisely how to do this. I’ll share a cold market strategy with you that allowed me to hit my first $10,000-month check. And the best part about this strategy is that anyone can do this. Regardless if:* You haven’t sponsored your first rep yet* You’re afraid to talk to new people and unsure of what to say

* You feel you don’t have the confidence to speak to someone about your business You’ll see how to break through all of this so you create the success in this business you want. This strategy changed the game for me, and it just might do the same for you. Let’s begin!

How To Instantly Change How Your Prospects See You

What I’m about to share with you is something actors do all the time. This concept is called: Perception is projection. Think about this. We watch movies with characters that we don’t even know. Before too long, we’re laughing, crying, and feeling for them. We’ve become emotionally invested in the characters. It becomes real to us. Now, the key is intentionally doing this. Here’s what I mean…

You Becoming The Director Of Your Own Movie

When you’re meeting someone for the first time, you’re projecting all of your actions onto a screen that the person is watching. What they’re now experiencing allows them to form an opinion of who they think you are. So, the question for you is… What image do you want to project for them? Now, keep in mind this is NOT “fake it” until you make it. And it’s definitely, not about lying to people. This is about you simply “acting as if.” Again, actors do this all the time. They’re playing their part in the movie. I highly recommend you start doing this when talking with prospects. Once you dial this in for yourself, you’ll see your business producing greater results. Pretty soon, instead of sponsoring one person a week, you’ll be sponsoring two. Instead of sponsoring four a week, it will be eight and so on. If you’ve not yet watched or listened to my complete training above, make sure you take some time to check it out. I go into much more detail about this topic. This episode, #121, it’s about “The Cold Market Tactic No One Is Telling You About.” Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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