The Most Important Question to Ask yourself Every Day

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At the end of every day, there's a very important question you should ask yourself in order to ensure that you are ON track.

It is a simple self-checking mechanism that allows you to know immediately whether or not you are REALLY working your business the way you should.

In this video, I quickly discuss that important question, and then give you a little extra insight into things that are up and coming…for YOU!

My purpose is simple: To serve the needs of those in the direct selling and network marketing industry to the best of my ability.

In other words, my purpose is to help YOU make money in this profession, primarily through education. In order to do that more effectively and to increase the “entertainment” value, I've made a few office changes…as you will see in this video.

Yes…I know there is an outlet showing in the wave. That was on purpose! I could have easily edited that out using a cropping feature, but I didn't for a reason. When and If you get into using video for ANYTHING, pay attention to the details. I wonder if any of you who watch this will pick up on a purposeful audio glitch as well. If so, I'd welcome your comment…want to see if you can figure it out.

As you can see…or will, once you watch this video, there's some cool stuff I'm doing for you guys to teach you more via video.

Good stuff. Enjoy the day!

To get into my MLM Power Hour Call, simply dial 641-594-7500, code 248873#. It starts every Monday night at 5pm Pacific Time.

Stay updated with me:

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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