The Power of Interviewing Versus Pitching

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • The Power of Interviewing Versus Pitching and What NOT to do.
  • The ONE THING You Must Be in Order to Succeed in Business.
  • You – CEO of Your Own Network Marketing Business.

The Power of Interviewing Versus Pitching and What NOT to do.

Happy New Year!

It's 2020 and this year is going to be amazing for us!

I know it…

I feel it…

And, in today's training, I'm going to help you get a jump start on the year.

When you take action on today's lesson, you'll start to see your numbers rise.

You'll be able to close more business…

Sponsor the RIGHT type of people…

While saving yourself months of frustration.

It all starts with prospecting.

Most people I talk with are simply pitching their deal.

Hoping someone will ‘SEE' their amazing opportunity.

Only to follow up with those people, and they're gone… ghosted!

Well if you're tired of being ghosted, or people leading you on.

Then take a few minutes to watch today's training.

Let's begin…

The ONE THING You Must Be in Order to Succeed in Business.

OK, first I want you to STOP pitching your deal.

Instead, I want you to become a problem solver.

There's ONE THING you must become in order to create massive success.

This involves a mindset shift.

You want to become a PROBLEM SOLVER!

When you talk with people, start listing for problems you can help solve.

This raises your value in the eyes of your prospect.

The key here is to be REAL!

Really look to help your prospect, from one human to another.

If your product and service, does NOT provide a solution for them…

Maybe you know someone else who might help?

Businesses provide solutions to the marketplace.

Now, let's look at…

You… CEO of Your Own Network Marketing Business.

You want to start running your network marketing business…


You're the CEO of your business… treat yourself like it.

Start interviewing people like you're hiring them for a six-figure position in your company.

Let me ask you a quick question…

WHO do you want on your team?

People, who are self-starters, and want the same things you want?


Just anyone who will… “give the business a TRY”?

Remember, you have the power… you have the deal.

Don't give away your power!

Become a problem solver… interview people.

If their someone who you feel would be good on the team…

Share the opportunity with them to learn more.

Make sure you watch or listen to the training on this page.

Then start taking action on it right away.

Let's make this year AMAZING!In this episode #57, It's about… “The Power of Interviewing Versus Pitching”.

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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