These People are Talking Success: Hear their Story

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14 People Telling Their Personal Success Story

…Are you Next?

There's nothing more inspiring or motivating than hearing REAL life success stories from our peers.  Well…unless it is us who is telling your own story and inspiring others.  Hear these powerful stories of how in 12-short weeks, these individuals made dramatic shifts and life changes in both their businesses and in their personal lives. 

So…I just wrapped up another 12-week Accountability for Entrepreneurs Academy…aka, The A-Team, which I've run now for I think 16 or 17 quarters straight…about 4 years.  Each quarter, I take 100 people through a 12-week journey on learning to become fully ACCOUNTABLE, responsible and in take MORE ACTION than they have typically done in the past. 

This program is REALLY GOOD at helping people bust through barriers, limiting beliefs and fears that are holding them back.  And…this last one, we initiated several changes and enhancements to the program.  As it turns out, it was well appreciated. 

I invited a few people to make some comments on their experience if they felt they got something good about the program.  Instead of me bragging about how good it is, or trying to convince you to do it either again, or if you've never done it, I'll let them tell you instead. 

My next start date is Monday September 17th. 
It runs for 12-weeks.  And…it is for people who are prepared to charge.

To reserve your space before I sell out, go here:

Here's what some recent A-Team participants have to say:


“I didn't really know what to expect in the A Team, but I knew that I needed a different focus and fresh ideas from others in this industry. I learned something new every week. I felt such a strong sense of accountability that I did not miss a single session and turned my points in each week without fail. I strive to be, do, and have more in my life because of principles taught in this team. I have not arrived at where I want to be, but my momentum is taking off, and my resolve to make this work has never been stronger. Thank you Todd for all of your support to help move me forward! You know your stuff!!  I'm all in for this business and industry!!” – Paula Fontinel


“Hi, my name is Mary Schroeder and I've been in my network marketing company for the past four years.  Prior to being an A-Team member, I felt I had varied levels of success in my business, eagerly seeking the path of abundance rather than deprivation, but not really able to put my finger on exactly what were my roadblocks. Since being involved in A-Team, I've been able to pinpoint not only the roadblocks, but the key drivers leading to my future success AND how to map it out to get there!  And the best part is I feel I've found answers to reach beyond my definition of full potential, both personally and professionally. I'm thoroughly excited about my future!  Todd's immense wisdom comes down to three simple words.  If you are an A-Teamer, those words are seared into your mind.  If you aren't an A-Teamer, reach beyond your definition of full potential and become one.  A-Team is more than a program; it is a 12 week journey into understanding which path you have yourself on in your business.”   – Mary Schroeder


“Todd Falcone's A-Team Program was exactly the kick-in-the butt coaching I really needed to help me quit making excuses and putting off doing the business building activities. I will continue to use the principles and employ the disciplines learned during my first A-Team. Seeds have been planted and I am appreciative for finding out about Todd Falcone's A-Team Coaching.”  -Matt Shorty Wells 




“I found Todd through one of his Monday night calls.  I have purchased a few products here and there (learned much from them).  I finally decided to pull the trigger on the A-Team.  It was a life and business changing experience for me.  The weekly calls set up a structured approach to taking daily action and holding myself accountable for my online business.  The journaling and tracking helped me to identify holes in my approach.  I have re-thought my entire approach to lead generation and marketing through the 12 weeks and have started to see some increased conversions, in addition to lower lead generation cost.  I will be taking the program again in the future.”  – Brett Eater


“I can only tell you that participating in Todd Falcone's A-Team is an excellent choice for anyone who is serious about building their business and digging into whatever makes you tick. In the end, we are only accountable to ourselves and those people who rely on us to make good on our promises.  If you take the A-Team seriously you will find yourself making good on your promises and being accountable to yourself and your business.  Late into Todd's A-Team I had to step out of the calls for a few weeks. Before I became an A-Teamer I had made a promise to my son that we would drive cross-Country for the summer. I thought I could do the trip and keep up with the A-Team calls. I scheduled poorly between events and dying phone batteries and so I missed accountability calls. What I did do was take the tools, direction and motivations I learned in the earlier part of my accountability journey and focused it as much as I could into the time I did have on the trip. Before the trip I had made a list and collected names of people I was going to call about my business. On the road my 13-year old son became, to my prospects and to me, my “assistant” and chief note-taker as I drove my 5-6 hour shifts. We had a great time. He became excited about my business and we even added a few new folks, too.  I look forward to retaking Todd's A-Team knowing this time that I am truly “All In” because I came away knowing that if I can build on the road with my son driving 3000 miles between LA and Chicago and then in NY that I'll be all the better at building my business having ALL the tools I need.”  – Dan Elias


“Before A-Team I spent too much time in front of the TV and doing non-productive work on the computer.  I wasn’t consistent with prospecting and had every excuse possible why I wasn’t doing well in my network marketing business.

After A-Team started, I began to plan who I was going to call the next day.  Instead of calling prospects when I thought they wouldn’t be available, I called when they would be so I talked to more people. 

When you challenged us to not to watch TV or read the newspaper, I didn’t take the challenge at that time.  I did however realize how much time I was wasting on mindless TV shows.  Since I’ve become more consistent and focused on my business, I’m not watching much TV because I’d rather work on building my business.  The weekly tracking log was easy and quick to use and made me realize the necessity of continuing to use it.  I highly recommend A-Team to anyone!”  – Marilyn Henderson


“I have totally enjoyed the twelve weeks of A-Team.  I have grown in personal development more than I expected.  On our last call, you and I tried to quantify my growth.  I agreed that perhaps I had improved my business as much as 60%.

Well, as I write this I have been considering all that we covered and all of the things that I have begun to apply.  I now revise my improvement number to 100+% over where I was when I began in May.  Thank you.

Thanks to your live and interactive team coaching model, I was able to better see how I approached my business and my prospecting.  I learned many great things.  One simple revelation was developing the habit of logging my daily activity to actually see how much I accomplish toward my goals.  That alone is super valuable.

You have the goods and speak straight from the heart.  I appreciate your direct and truthful approach to teaching.  You inspire me to be a better recruiter, and a better leader and teacher.  I will highly recommend A-Team to every person I meet that desires to improve their life and their success.”  – Darryl W. Sanford


“Prior to A-team, I built my networking marketing company exclusively through warm market contacts.  Then the reality we all will face: cold market recruiting.  With Todd Falcone’s A-Team, I faced the challenge head on.  After a thorough self-evaluation and an awareness of my decisions, I was empowered to take action!  I forced myself to track my activity, evaluate my results and most importantly: ACT!  My consistent prospecting efforts resulted in a new-found posture and confidence that projected via the telephone and in person.  And the best part is, I had fun!  Action is the foundational key to all success; I highly recommend Todd Falcone’s A-team for those who are ready to climb to the TOP!”   – Jeff McGeary



“Todd…Thanks for another great A-Team!  Prior to my first A-Team, I was wanting to start a ‘blast' in my network marketing company, but I wasn't really sure what that meant.  Your tracking tools made it easy to figure out a baseline and then measure my progress as you encouraged us to kick it up a notch or two.

Since being involved in the past two A-Teams, I have made more contacts than I had in the prior two years.  I have enrolled customers and distributors, but more importantly, I have a new “normal” and know I can easily double or triple my numbers when I need to focus on activity.  Thanks, Todd, for always keeping it real!”  – Cheri Alguire


“After becoming overwhelmed with my main career I had become dormant in my networking business. Todd Falcone’s A-Team experience is like a shot in the arm. Todd’s knowledge and experience in network marketing combined with his straightforward approach is phenomenal. If you want to take your business to the next level, Todd Falcone can show you how to get there”. – Roy Uhl, Professional Realtor




“As a result of my participation in A-Team, I am now comfortable using the phone as a prospecting tool.  Your emphasis on making dials and recording results was a huge benefit to me.  I enrolled in A-Team because I was aware of your emphasis on using the phone and knew that your course would force me to get over my reluctance and fear of prospecting by phone.  Thanks for your encouragement throughout the last 12 weeks.  It was money well spent!”  – Ed Euken



“Todd…you have inspired me to jump into network marketing full force you’re your upfront, direct, in your face honest approach…and very informative coaching skills are second to none. I will recommend you and your products to anyone on my team as it builds and to anyone I see needing help in this profession. You are truly a great leader in our industry.  See you on stage sometime soon and keep up the fabulous work.” 

– Ben Powell



“My name is Kenneth Cheeseman and I joined A-Team with an unknown expectation of what would be the outcome.  I have been trying to gain as much education as possible so as to improve my life and others.

Prior to taking A-Team I have been trying other things to get me motivated and accountable for my business.  There are lot of things out there, but finding one that has a lasting effect is hard to find.  I will say no matter what program I have tried I always try to learn something.   

 Participating in A-Team has been the GREATEST experience of all trainings thus far for me.  I started out with getting the workbook and having the fear of where will I go with this.  Then with the starting call it took hold and I accomplished things I never had done before.  The start was the 30 day cleanse, which I stuck out and it opened my eyes to what I have as free time, and time I need to dedicate to others.  Next came the call challenge, which your spark pushed me to do more.  Now I have the low limit of 20 calls a day no matter what.  I also have started to try different things on calls to see what just one word or statement will change.  Next were the leadership traits and habits, which again brought out things I need to do and make sure to look at myself as doing the right things.  The content of the A team was a perfect fit for me.

The best part of the A team was being pushed by others and listening to you Todd, a person who says it like it should be said.  I appreciated the honesty and up front contacts to make sure we were getting the best information.  I know this experience will make my business go farther than I thought possible. Thanks for providing the A team and doing all you can to help others.”

– Kenneth Cheeseman


“Prior to A-Team I was struggling in my business.  I had a lot of mental roadblocks.  I felt stuck and didn't know how to change and grow my business.  Since committing to Todd's A-Team, I learned priceless knowledge and have a game plan to follow.  The best part is that two weeks ago I grew my posture and skills to the point where I had people literally asking to work with me…and I was the in the position to pick and choose who I wanted to work with.  That is priceless.  Thanks Todd.” –  Matt Laporte




So…what about you?

A-Team is a lot like hiring a personal trainer for 12-weeks, but doing it with 100 of your closest friends at the same time!  There's no better time to be on the charge than 4th quarter…which is always the BIGGEST TIME OF YEAR for network marketing. 

If you've been pondering A-Team or even done it in the past, our new content and approach is refreshing and obviously, as you can see above…LIFE CHANGING. 

NOW is the time to reserve your spot, as I only take 100 people per quarter. 

Cost is $499 for 12-weeks.  Works out to be about $40 a week to have me coach you! 

For full details and to register,


P.S.  As of this post, we are about 50% sold out from prior registrations.  

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Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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