What To Do With Flaky Network Marketing Reps

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • What to do with flaky network marketing reps. Using this method will keep your volume and income growing.
  • The ONE conversation you must have with your new reps, before getting them started. Do this and SAVE yourself months of stress and frustration.
  • What to do when your NEW reps aren't getting started in the business… the answer might surprise you.

What to Do with Flaky Network Marketing Reps

Have you ever had people in your network marketing business flake out on you? They're all excited to join your business but then after a few weeks… they're gone!

In this episode I'm going to share with you how to reduce this behavior in your business… so that your volume and income keep increasing.

The first thing we can do is… NOT think of them as a flaky rep. Instead we can think of them as a customer of our products and services.

This is the foundation of our business. 

Having people who love using our products and services every day is something every network marketing rep wants.  Now… sure, some people will leave, but there are also things you can do about that.

We can’t save everyone, but we can certainly do some things to help our new reps have success in this business.

It all starts with…

The ONE Conversation You Must Have with Your New Reps

This is where it all starts.

I recommend you have a “real-talk” strategy session when “fast-starting” your new reps.

What I mean by this is spending some time getting to know them. Find out their real reason WHY they joined the business.

What are their goals with their network marketing business? Will they be working the business full-time or part-time?

Here's the KEY…

What does “full-time” or “part-time” mean to THEM? Get clear on this so you're both on the same page.

I talk about this in detail in this training episode, so listen to it on this page.

Now, let's look at…

What to Do When Your New Reps are Not Getting Started in the Business

It all starts with you.

What's been your habit of starting people? Are you engaging your new reps and helping to get their first sale?

Or are you pointing them to some training and hoping they take action?

You want to help them get a “fast-start” in the business. They key to this working though is that THEY must also take action.

You take an action, they take an action. This is how it's done. Work with them, support them until they've got this and they're off to the races… building like crazy.

In this episode #24, It's all about… “What to Do with Flaky Network Marketing RepsListen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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