When You Find Yourself Getting Impatient With Your Team

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What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • When You Find Yourself Getting Impatient With Your Team
  • The Secret To Leading Your Team Members To MLM Success
  • Helping Your Team Members Become Unstuck And Reach Their True Potential

When You Find Yourself Getting Impatient With Your Team

Quick question.

Have you ever found yourself becoming impatient or frustrated with people on your team?

I know many of the leaders I coach tend to bring this topic up often.

It's one of those subjects not a lot of people talk about. Some leaders handle this well, while others handle this badly.

In today's lesson I'll share with you exactly how to handle this type of situation.

You'll also hear how to use these moments to actually rocket your business to the top.

Working with your team the way you're about to hear is how the pros do it.

If you're ready to say goodbye to being frustrated with your team members, watch this training above right away.

The Secret To Leading Your Team Members To MLM Success

One thing for sure is this.

No one got involved in network marketing to have a boss. There are some leaders who rule with an iron fist. They simply have no patients for dealing with anyone who goes off their script.

After being in this profession for over 30 years and building multiple teams, here's what I've found works best.

We want to inspire our people to become great. In this business we deal with all different types of people from all walks of life. It's critical we become masters of working with all types of people in our business.

This way we can help them become unstuck.

Helping Your Team Members Become Unstuck And Reach Their True Potential

It all starts with listing to your team member.

If they're not working the business, and they say they want to – somethings wrong.

It's up to you to find out what's going on with them.

Not in a cold hard tone either.

If you can be gentle enough to dig a little and see what's really going on with them, it can make all the difference.

Taking your time to listen and helping your team member can go along with in strengthen the relationship. You want your team members to feel it's safe when they talk with you.

At the end of the day, investing in your team member can pay off in the long run.

In this episode #105, It's about… “When You Find Yourself Getting Impatient With Your Team”. Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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