Add Power to your Invites for More Show Ups

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mlm prospecting tipsMLM Prospecting Tips:  Adding Power to your Invites for More Show ups!

Here's the deal.  You can't just invite people to something, hoping they are going to show up.  Crossing your fingers and wishing for the best isn't conducive to success.

Successful entrepreneurs and big time network marketers command attention in all that they do.  If you want to get better results in your network marketing or direct sales business…or ANY business, you've got to TAKE CONTROL.  I didn't say “be controlling”.  I said…take control.

People want to follow individuals that are sure of themselves and exude confidence.

Does your current way of inviting someone to meet with you exude posture, confidence and ownership??

I hate the thought of inviting 50 to get 10 to show up.  That seems ridiculous to me.  Instead…doesn't inviting 50 and having 40 show sound a bit better??

In this video, I get into that subject a bit…and promise to cover this in more detail.  Too many people are inviting and not getting people to show up.  There's a method to the madness.

Watch this for now…and give me your feedback please.

What say you?  

If you'd like more MLM Prospecting Tips, please feel free to comment below and tell me what you'd like to learn more about.

I'm happy to answer your questions and post a video responding to your specific request…

Todd Falcone - Network Marketing Training

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