Do Leads Actually Work?

What You'll Discover In This Episode:

  • Do Leads Actually Work?
  • The Art Of Calling Leads
  • Get Red-Hot Leads In Your Hands Within A Few Hours

Do Leads Actually Work?

The other day I had someone ask me this question…“Do leads actually work?”

I smiled as I thought about their question.

My reply…“Yes, leads do actually work when you understand how to work them.”In today’s training, you’ll see my process for working with cold leads.

And here’s something you should know.

I probably have more experience working cold leads than anyone still in the game of network marketing.

I’ve been working cold leads for close to thirty years now.

And I’ll share the four main benefits of using leads to build your business.

Plus, I’m going to share my top two resources for getting red-hot leads which you can start prospecting today.

Now let’s look at…

The Art Of Calling Leads

For me calling leads started to take off in 1995.I found a company called ProStep, which was a lead generation company.

This company was ahead of its time.

Watch my video above because I go into more detail on this.

I built almost all of my businesses with pre-purchased business opportunity leads.

The art of calling leads is all about repetition.

The more you call leads, the better you get at it.

You’ll start to pick up on people’s energy, tone, and vibe.

Before too long, you’ll find yourself having fun and making a lot of money.

And what’s crazy is…Most people don’t even call these types of leads.

I’ll show you where I get my leads in just a moment.

Just know that calling leads is a numbers game.

And calling leads gives you a major advantage because you can…

Get Red-Hot Leads In Your Hands Within A Few Hours

When you use leads, there are four main benefits…

#1: NO advertising is needed on your end.#2: NO need to build complex funnels.#3: NO need to create loads of content, hoping people will find you.#4: NO need to spend all day on social media chasing people.

When you use leads, you can start filling your pipeline with eager prospects within a few hours from now. Now, here are the TWO resources I promised you.

One is the MLM Lead Store at…

The other is Leads Unlimited at…’d highly recommend buying leads from them and start calling them. And, if you don’t already have my go-to leads script, go to

Now, you’ll have my proven scripts and the leads to use them with. Start using leads today to put people into your business within the next few days.

This episode, #196, is about “Do Leads Actually Work?.”

Listen to the show above and comment below with your questions or comments.

Stay fearless,

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