Fearless Networker Spotlight: Kelli Calabrese

Kelli CalabreseIn this Fearless Networker Spotlight, we're featuring Kelli Calabrese, an individual who has successfully blended her passion for health and fitness with her Network Marketing business.  The ability to do what you love and make money at it is a universal dream.  In this interview she shares how she did it.

The Fearless Networker:  Kelli, you were an extremely successful fitness professional prior to becoming a successful Network Marketing professional.  What was your biggest fear as you started your Network Marketing career?

Kelli Calabrese:  I had a very good reputation in my industry as a fitness professional.  I was speaking on the circuit at industry conferences, editing our industry's leading magazine and was featured in thousands of media outlets.  Therefore, my reputation was important to me.  When I started my Network Marketing career I thought people would think I sold out (and some did). 

I was concerned and thought I would no longer get called to speak or do media work if I aligned with one company.  I hoped the Network Marketing company I chose to work with was as good as it appeared and could maintain its integrity of products and business.  

Ultimately, I found my career in Network Marketing to be lower risk, more fun and continually growing.  And, I make more, get paid more frequently and have a RESIDUAL income! 

The Fearless Networker:  How long have you been involved in Network Marekting?

Kelli Calabrese:  I've been involved in the Network Marketing profession for 5 years, all with the same company.  

Kelli CalabreseThe Fearless Networker:  During that time, how many people have you personally sponsored into your company and what is the current size of your organization?

Kelli Calabrese:  I've personally sponsored 350 individuals and have an organization of 9,000.  

The Fearless Networker:  What were some of your struggles on the way to achieving success?

Kelli Calabrese:  I’ve had lots!  As you mentioned, I was a fitness, nutrition and wellness professional for 24 years prior to joining a Network Marketing company with wellness products.  Being the expert was not duplicable.

I also found that I was not focusing on income earning activities and was trying to push the wrong people up a hill; they didn’t want to go. 

As a former biz owner, I was creative and continually coming up with my own way to do things.  Reinventing the wheel did not work in my Network Marketing business.  Success is found in using the systems already set in place.

The Fearless Networker:  How has being involved in Network Marketing changed your life?

Kelli CalabreseKelli Calabrese:  I have time AND money freedom.  Comparing this profession to my former career, I have less stress from having no employees and I can work from anywhere in the world.

My family has every need met beyond what they could ask, think or imagine while they enjoy amazing health.

The lives of over 9,000 people in my organization are forever changed by being involved in this profession.  I am able to help people in 14 countries rather than 14 square miles and am able to be generous when opportunities arise, including giving away two cars last year!  

I was able to fly from Dallas to New Jersey 11 times last year when my dad was sick to be with him. 

And lastly, I am a part of a company that gives back and will one day be the largest health and wellness company in the world.    

Discover what absolutely excites you with massive passion every morning and connect that to how your company can be a vehicle for that outcome.  — Kelli Calabrese  

Kelli CalabreseThe Fearless Networker:  That's awesome Kelli!  What strategy do you use to recruit new people into your organization?  

Kelli Calabrese:  Most people agree betterment in health and wealth is possible and desirable.  I like the strategy of asking, “How is what you are doing working for you?”  With a money back guarantee, there is nothing to lose. 

I make sure everyone I meet knows what I do and ask them to keep me in mind if they know anyone looking for those solutions.  People want to belong to something bigger, valuable and that has a vehicle to give back. 

And, I continue to upgrade the people I connect with through masterminds, personal development, neighbors, organizations and referrals.

Kelli CalabreseThe Fearless Networker:  How do you approach team building?

Kelli Calabrese:  I like to do things that get the masses moving, all at once, on the same track.  If I can get 12 leaders or 80+ people to commit to a 30-day makeover or a 90-day game plan, then momentum and breakthrough can happen. 

Adding people to message groups with common interests and/or needs is powerful.  For example, build a team consisting of a group of people who want to lose weight or individuals wanting to build a business or a group of new moms, etc.

We have a great training center in our back office to get people started. In addition, I created 14 days of video contacts for new associates to personally introduce them to products, contests, tools, referrals, incentives, resources, etc.

Consistency is KEY!  I host 15 minute motivational calls, every day, each week, including a Monday team Zoom call, Tuesday recognition, Wednesday reach out for leaders, Thursday reach out for new associates, Friday follow-up, Saturday accountability, and Sunday we rest.

Lastly, use your leaders' strengths to lead calls, partner up with new associates and duplicate.

Kelli CalabreseThe Fearless Networker:  Can you share any specific actions that you’ve implemented into growing your business that you’ve found to be exceptionally productive? 

Kelli Calabrese:  I have five actions I'd recommend.  Daily recognition for any activity.  Get distributors connected to corporate promotions.  Go to events.  Share your goals:  it’s surprising how many want to help others achieve goals!  And, be real, vulnerable, relatable, fun and love everyone.

The Fearless Networker:  Great, concise, effective actions!  I'm curious, what is your favorite business book?

Kelli Calabrese:  That’s a challenging one.  I’m an avid reader and gave away 200 books last  year.  If I had to choose one, it would be Focal Point by Brian Tracy.  I hired Brian 10 years ago to be my coach in his advanced coaching and mentoring plan and the tools in Focal Point radically changed how I spend my time and determine what is truly urgent and important.

Kelli CalabreseThe Fearless Networker:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received that’s served you well in business?

Kelli Calabrese:  Decide what is the highest possible good and work towards it until it is a present tense reality. 

The Fearless Networker:  What business advice would YOU give someone starting out in Network Marketing?

Kelli Calabrese:  Follow the systems outlined for you from corporate.  And, take Todd Falcone’s A-Team training as quickly as possible! 

The Fearless Networker:  Excellent advice if I do say so myself!  Ha, ha, ha!  Do you have any nuggets of advice for people to ensure the longevity of their business?

Kelli Calabrese:  Love people.  Become an extraordinary enroller.  Use the tools.  Be in it for the long run.  Work at it like your life depended on it.  

Work in 90-minute bubbles; single-mindedly on enrolling, following up and leading.  If you can do that, single-mindedly, two to three times a day, you can get momentum going.

The Fearless Networker:  If you could share anything that would massively impact the people reading interview, what would you share?

Kelli Calabrese:  Discover what absolutely excites you with massive passion every morning and connect that to how your company can be a vehicle for that outcome.  Use vision boards, write down your goals daily and share them with people who support you and who you admire.  Surround yourself with the people who have what you want and learn from them. 

Spend 10% of your income on personal development and follow through with massive action. 

Determine your # 1 challenge.  Turn it into a question and come up with 20 action items to solve it.  Then pick the one that will make the biggest difference.  Do that action first.  If it scares you, that’s good!  Do it anyway. 

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